Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE29378 - Archaeolgical Evaluatuion Report, Luckley Field, Wye, Kent.

Title Archaeolgical Evaluatuion Report, Luckley Field, Wye, Kent.
Date/Year 2013


Archaeological Evaluatuion Report, Luckley Field, Wye, Kent. The evaluation identified a series of ditches, and occasional pits, exclusively in the south-western half of the site. Although some datable finds were recovered, these were limited to no more than a single piece from any feature, and the dating of all the features is at best tentative.

External Links (0)


Unpublished Document


Kent County Council Heritage 2014/234

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Mostly undated ditches and pits, Luckley Field, Wye (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE13384 Archaeological Evaluation, Luckley Field, Wye, Kent. (Ref: ASE Project No: 5902)

Record last edited

Jun 23 2015 2:23PM