Source/Archive record (Article in monograph) SKE29855 - Quaternary drainage of the Kentish Stour

Title Quaternary drainage of the Kentish Stour
Date/Year 1998


In (J.B. Murton, C.A. Whiteman, M.R. Bates, D.R. Bridgland, A.J. Long, M.B. Roberts & M.P. Walker, eds), The Quaternary of Kent and Sussex: Field Guide: 39-41. Quaternary Research Association, London.

External Links (0)



Referenced Monuments (3)

  • Chislet, two handaxe finds from general area (Findspot)
  • Palaeolithic flake from Pleistocene deposits rich in old Wear Farm Pit, Chislet, in field "Ware/Bells" to east of Church Lane (Monument)
  • Pleistocene deposits rich in diverse palaeo-environmental remains in old Wear Farm Pit, Chislet, in field "Ware/Bells" to east of Church Lane (Pleistocene Environmental Findspot)

Referenced Events (3)

  • EKE13480 Geophysical survey in field around old Wear Farm Pit and further section-cleaning/sampling in pit, in March 2014 for Stour Palaeolithic Project
  • EKE13477 Section-cleaning and environmental sampling for 1998 QRA visit
  • EKE13479 Test pits in fields around old Wear Farm Pit and section-cleaning/sampling in pit, in September 2013 for Stour Palaeolithic Project

Record last edited

Oct 9 2014 10:12AM