Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE31127 - Archaeological Watching Brief Report: Sainsbury's Supermarket Site, Westwood Cross, Thanet, Kent.
Title | Archaeological Watching Brief Report: Sainsbury's Supermarket Site, Westwood Cross, Thanet, Kent. |
Author/Originator | CgMs Consulting |
Date/Year | 2014 |
Archaeological watching brief of intrusive groundworks within the footprint of the site. No archaeological finds or features were discovered
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Unpublished document.
Kent County Council Heritage 2014/737
Referenced Monuments (1)
- TR 36 NE 2534 Undated posthole, flintwork, medieval pottery sherd: Westwood Cross, Thanet (Monument)
Referenced Events (1)
- EKE14546 Archaeological Watching Brief Report: Sainsbury's Supermarket Site, Westwood Cross, Thanet, 2014 (Ref: ASE Report No: 2014190)
Record last edited
Oct 12 2015 10:49AM