Source/Archive record (Bibliographic reference) SKE31445 - Grain Island Firing Point, Yantlet Creek, Isle of Grain, Medway. Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment

Title Grain Island Firing Point, Yantlet Creek, Isle of Grain, Medway. Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment
Date/Year 2013
ISSN 2046-9799
ISSN 2046-9802


The report describes the results of a desktop assessment undertaken in 2013 of the 20th Centruy trials battery and firing point at Yantlet Creek. This site has been identified as being of potential significance during the wider Hoo Peninsula Historic Landscape Project 2009. This report evaluates what still survives at the site and an analysis of the documentary evidence available in order to reach a basic characterisation of the site and an understanding of the significance and historical context here.

External Links (0)


Bibliographic Reference (BR) Research Report Series 39-2013


Kent County Council Heritage 2014/160

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Grain Island Firing Point, Yantlet Creek, Isle of Grain (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE14886 Archaeological Desk Based Assessment of Grain Island Firing Point (Ref: 039-2013)

Record last edited

Apr 21 2016 10:19AM