Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE31581 - Interim update on Archaeological investigation on route of service trench at Bradstow School Broadstairs

Title Interim update on Archaeological investigation on route of service trench at Bradstow School Broadstairs
Date/Year 2015


Report on the monitoring on the excavation of a service trench for a new building to be constructed at Bradstow School, Dumpton Park Drive, Broadstairs, Kent. Archaeological investigation was carried out on a strip of a 1.8m trench to expose the surface of chalk geology over the grassed area of playing field from the car park at the north west end, to the hedge and bank located at the south east end of the field. Excavation through the areas of hard standing was carried out during nad hust after the archaeological work was carried out on the playing field. Four previously unseen archaeological features were encountered: two substantial ditches, and may form part of an enclosure. A single post hole excavated. The Bronze Age ring ditches, some graves and also some of the Anglo-Saxon graves encountered by Howard Hurd in 1910 and the British Museum excavations of the 1980s were re-exposed. A single backfilled grave cut was encountered. A section was excavated through the ring ditch and an adjacent pit.

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Unpublished document


Kent County Council Heritage 2016/23

Referenced Monuments (3)

  • Anglo-Saxon cemetery at Bradstow School, Broadstairs (Monument)
  • Bronze Age barrows and associated prehistoric inhumations, Bradstow School, Broadstairs (Monument)
  • Parallel Linear Ditches, Bradstow School, Broadstairs (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE14996 Archaeological Excavation: Service Trench, Bradstow School, Broadstairs (Ref: Site Code: BSB 15)

Record last edited

Jun 9 2016 3:42PM