Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE31739 - Broadlees Bottom, near Dover Castle, Walkover survey report

Title Broadlees Bottom, near Dover Castle, Walkover survey report
Date/Year 2013


In February 2013 the Canterbury Archaeological Trust (CAT) was engaged by Roy Porter of English Heritage to undertake a walkover survey of the area of Northfall Meadow in Broadlees Bottom, below the north-eastern defences of Dover Castle; NGR 63264 14212, centred. Most of this area is now covered by woodland and vegetation. The work was intended to ascertain what surface archaeology, particularly twentieth-century military remains, might be present in the area.

External Links (1)


Unpublished grey lit report (walkover survey report) produvced by Canterbury Archaeological Trust.


Referenced Monuments (5)

  • Former site of Military Camp, Broadlees Bottom, Dover Castle (Monument)
  • Sergent Mess & Marshalling yard, Broadlees bottom, Dover (Monument)
  • Terraces of WWI camp, Broadlees Bottom, Dover (Monument)
  • WWII 'Dug-outs', Broadlees Bottom, Dover (Monument)
  • WWII Anti-tank ditch, Broadlees Bottom, Dover (Monument)

Referenced Events (2)

  • EKE15457 Walkover survey at Broadlees Bottom, Dover Castle, 2013 (Ref: BBD-DA-13)
  • EKE18530 Walkover survey at Broadlees Bottom, Dover Castle, 2013 (Ref: BBD-DA-13)

Record last edited

Jun 11 2019 3:08PM