Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE32276 - Eastern Quarry (Castle Hill), Landform, Groundwork and Drainage (North-East Local Park and Northern Road) Programme, Planning Application DA/13/01327/EQCHC: Written Scheme of Investigation for Palaeolithic Archaeological Mitigation.

Title Eastern Quarry (Castle Hill), Landform, Groundwork and Drainage (North-East Local Park and Northern Road) Programme, Planning Application DA/13/01327/EQCHC: Written Scheme of Investigation for Palaeolithic Archaeological Mitigation.
Date/Year 2014


Unpublished client report for Camland Ltd submitted to Kent County Council [ref 61048.03, November 2014].

External Links (0)


Eastern Quarry (Castle Hill), Landform, Groundwork and Drainage (North-East Local Park and Northern Road) Programme, Planning Application DA/13/01327/EQCHC: Written Scheme of Investigation for Palaeolithic Archaeological Mitigation.


Referenced Monuments (2)

  • Castle Hill (formerly Eastern Quarry, Area B): Palaeolithic artefacts and mollusc remains (Monument)
  • Palaeolithic handaxes, other flint artefacts and animal bone from area E1, Eastern Quarry Area B, Swanscombe (Monument)

Referenced Events (0)

Record last edited

Jun 30 2017 2:52PM