Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE32444 - Langdon Bay, Middle Bronze Age Wreck Site, 1000059, de-listing assessment

Title Langdon Bay, Middle Bronze Age Wreck Site, 1000059, de-listing assessment
Date/Year 2017


Historic England received an application to assess the Langdon Bay Protected Wreck Site for de-designation (de-listing). The case was added to an on-going project which aims to carry out a national overview of Early Ships and Boats: prehistory to 1840, as part of the Listing Group’s strategic programme. The site was not de-listed as a result of this application due to the high archaeological importance of the hoard associated with it.

External Links (0)


Unpublished document produced by English Heritage.


Kent County Council Heritage: 2017/263

Referenced Monuments (1)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE16361 Langdon Bay, Middle Bronze Age Wreck Site, 1000059, de-listing assessment (Ref: 1440127)

Record last edited

Jul 9 2019 2:31PM