Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE51730 - Canterbury Christ Church University, North Holmes Road Campus, Canterbury, Kent, Archaeological Watching-Brief Report
Title | Canterbury Christ Church University, North Holmes Road Campus, Canterbury, Kent, Archaeological Watching-Brief Report |
Author/Originator | Canterbury Archaeological Trust |
Date/Year | 2013 |
Account of a watching brief carried out during erection of a new boiler house and pipework. A series of features were observed dating from the medieval and later periods, including a large boundary ditch situated just inside the present campus boundary wall and a later post-medieval boundary wall.
External Links (0)
unpublished document
Kent County Council Heritage 2018/82
Referenced Monuments (2)
- TR 15 NE 1342 Precinct Boundary Wall, St. Augustine's Abbey (Monument)
- TR 15 NE 1793 Probable 19th century boundary wall, North Holmes Road (Monument)
Referenced Events (1)
- EKE16947 Watching brief at Canterbury Christ Church University, North Holmes road Campus, 2013 (Ref: CCCU-BH-WB13)
Record last edited
Oct 9 2018 3:37PM