Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE51765 - Cremer & Whiting Brickworks, Ospringe, Faversham: Negative watching brief summary report

Title Cremer & Whiting Brickworks, Ospringe, Faversham: Negative watching brief summary report
Date/Year 2017


A watching brief to monitor machine excavation comprising demolition and clearance of foundations and concrete slab associated with a former brickworks building. The watching brief demonstrated that the development area has been subject to modern and post medieval truncation with no features or deposits of archaeological significance surviving.
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Kent County Council Heritage 2018/470

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Cremer-Whiting Brickworks, Ospringe, Faversham (Building)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE17138 Negative watching brief at Cremer & Whiting Brickworks, Ospringe, Faversham (Ref: WB-CWBF-17)

Record last edited

Dec 7 2018 3:46PM