Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE51781 - Portal House School, Newington, Kent: Archaeological Evaluation Report

Title Portal House School, Newington, Kent: Archaeological Evaluation Report
Date/Year 2008


Report on a carried out a field evaluation carried out by Oxford Arcaheology at Portal House School, Newington, Kent (formerly Newington Infant School) on 7th and 11th April 2008. Only one of eight trenches contained any features of any archaeological significance. Trench 2 contained two linear features and the base of a small pit or posthole. The only recovered finds were worked and burnt flint from one of the linear features.

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Kent County Council Heritage 2017/102

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Neolithic flint and undated features, Portal House School, Newington (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE17246 Archaeological evaluation at Portal House School, Newington, Kent (Ref: KS1RPH08)

Record last edited

Dec 7 2018 3:44PM