Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE53124 - Baker's Hole SSSI, SAM Field Survey, Report

Title Baker's Hole SSSI, SAM Field Survey, Report
Date/Year 2012


Report detailing the results of a field survey undertaken on The Bakers Hole SSSI/SAM. The survey identified four areas of surviving sediments within the site: Areas A, B, C and F. It established that the surviving sediments and many of the more significant and sensitive standing exposures were becoming heavily overgrown, and being damaged by animal burrowing, plant growth and exposure to the elements and recommended that further recording work be carried out at the site.

External Links (0)


Unpublished document produced by Southampton University


Kent County Council Heritage 2019/185

Referenced Monuments (3)

  • Ebbsfleet Area B (Baker's Hole), with Palaeolithic Levalloisian occupation floors, mammalian fossils and other palaeo-environmental remains (Monument)
  • Ebbsfleet Area C (Baker's Hole) Substantial area colluvial dry valley-fill deposits within SSSI (Monument)
  • Ebbsfleet Area F (Baker's Hole) Substantial area of natural sediments within SSSI (Monument)

Referenced Events (5)

  • EKE19473 Baker's Hole, walkover survey to assess condition - Area A (Ref: CC-077-A)
  • EKE19474 Baker's Hole, walkover survey to assess condition - Area B (Ref: CC-077-A)
  • EKE19475 Baker's Hole, walkover survey to assess condition - Area C (Ref: CC-077-A)
  • EKE19476 Baker's Hole, walkover survey to assess condition - Area F (Ref: CC-077-A)
  • EKE16140 Baker's Hole, walkover survey to assess condition (Ref: CC-077-A)

Record last edited

Nov 25 2020 6:48PM