Source/Archive record (Archive) SKE55251 - Archive material associated with Reculver Roman Fort Scheduled Monument

Title Archive material associated with Reculver Roman Fort Scheduled Monument


2K/18189 Reculver Roman Fort and Towers, Herne Bay AA55/04139 WALL OF SAXON SHORE FORT FROM SOUTH WEST Donor: UNKNOWNCopyright: UNKNOWN AA55/04140 SOUTH WALL OF SAXON SHORE FORT Donor: UNKNOWNCopyright: UNKNOWN AA55/04141 SOUTH EAST OF SOUTH WALL OF SAXON SHORE FORT Donor: UNKNOWNCopyright: UNKNOWN AA55/04142 WALL OF SAXON SHORE FORT Donor: UNKNOWNCopyright: UNKNOWN AA55/04143 CLOSE-UP OF FOUNDATIONS OF SAXON SHORE FORT Donor: UNKNOWNCopyright: UNKNOWN AA55/04144 FROM SOUTH EAST Donor: UNKNOWNCopyright: UNKNOWN AA55/04145 SOUTH EAST ELEVATION OF SAXON SHORE FORT Donor: UNKNOWNCopyright: UNKNOWN AA55/04146 SECTION OF EAST WALL OF SAXON SHORE FORT Donor: UNKNOWNCopyright: UNKNOWN AA55/04147 EAST WALL OF SAXON SHORE FORT Donor: UNKNOWNCopyright: UNKNOWN AA55/04148 EAST WALL OF SAXON SHORE FORT Donor: UNKNOWNCopyright: UNKNOWN AA55/04149 NORTH EAST SECTION OF EAST WALL OF SAXON SHORE FORT Donor: UNKNOWNCopyright: UNKNOWN AL0870 Reculver Church and Roman Fort An album of 42 pages containing 2 photostatic reproductions and 57 photographs. There is a set of photographs at the front taken from the negatives used to produce Ministry of Works postcards.The photostatic copies are early views of the church while the photographs are on a range of topics. Sections at the front and end of the album show the church and include both general and detailed views of the standing remains. There are some views of the remains of the fort scattered throughout the album but no set covering the remains in detail. The centre of the album contains several photographic jobs showing erosion of the cliff face in the 1950s and the extension of sea defences. There are also a few views of the proposed site for a custodians hut and the hut once built. BB68/01068 WALL OF SAXON SHORE FORT Donor: UNKNOWN BB68/01072 WALL OF SAXON SHORE FORT Donor: UNKNOWN BF076727 Reculver Fort and St Mary's Church Towers, Herne Bay P29085 ROMAN WALL,RUBBLE CORE,PEBBLY FOUNDATIONS.FORT BUILT ON SITE OF CLAUDIAN FORTLET AND CIVIL SETTLEMENT Photographer: UNKNOWNDonor: UNKNOWNCopyright: UNKNOWNOriginal negative held by: UNKNOWN P29086 NORTH TRENCH OF EXCAVATION LOOKING EAST Donor: UNKNOWNCopyright: UNKNOWNOriginal negative held by: UNKNOWN P29087 NORTH TRENCH OF EXCAVATION LOOKING EAST.EAST WALL Donor: UNKNOWNCopyright: UNKNOWNOriginal negative held by: UNKNOWN P29088 AREA OF PAVING IN CENTRAL TRENCH FROM SOUTH WEST Donor: UNKNOWNCopyright: UNKNOWNOriginal negative held by: UNKNOWN P29089 NORTH TRENCH OF EXCAVATION LOOKING WEST Donor: UNKNOWNCopyright: UNKNOWNOriginal negative held by: UNKNOWN PF/REC Reculver Roman Station (Regulbium), St Mary's Church and Towers, Reculver, Herne Bay, Kent 165 sheets showing the site of Regulbium Roman station and associated structures including the remains of St Mary's church and its towers, and the coastguard station (demolished circa 1986).The set begins with a negative copy of an Ordnance Survey map from the early twentieth century, and continues with a number of drawings from the mid-1920s and the 1930s, including notice and inscription designs, plans of the coastguard station, and various sheets showing the church and its windows, foundations and turf levels, the Roman station, a new postcard stall, an exhibition case and a fence extension.There is a site plan from 1933 showing land transferred, which also appears in various revised forms from 1955 and 1965.A series of drawings from 1943 and 1944 show sea wall maintenance issues, and there is also a guardianship area plan from 1945.From the 1950s there are sheets showing the apron protecting the church, and sketches relating to work on the church's towers.There are drawings from 1963 relating to a new spiral staircase for the church tower, and also some protection work plans from between 1966 and 1968, and survey sheets from 1967.Several sheets from 1978 (some revised to 1979 and 1980) are from a survey of the beach and cliff alongside the Roman station and church. There is a copy of an Ordnance Survey map from 1981, drawings of sea defences from 1985, and sheets relating to the demolition of the coastguard station from 1986.From the 1990s there are photogrammetric elevations of the church towers (including some later versions revised to 2008), sheets showing work to the towers' doors from 1994, rectified photography of the Roman station from 1997, and block plans from 1998.

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Unpublished archive material held by Historic England, associated with Reculver Roman Fort Scheduled Monument


Historic England

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Reculver Roman fort, Herne Bay (Monument)

Referenced Events (0)

Record last edited

Jan 16 2023 12:58PM