Source/Archive record (Archive) SKE55362 - Archive material associated with Dover Castle, Scheduled Monument
Title | Archive material associated with Dover Castle, Scheduled Monument |
Author/Originator | Historic England |
Date/Year |
922361 F W HARDMAN MSS Local history & archaeological notes & working papers, held as part of the Stebbing MSS (separate record) and consists of: three notebooks, "Ringwould I"; three envelopes of B/W topographical photographs of views of Ringwould; typescript lecture notes, "Roads of South East Kent" (lecture given by Hardman at Ringwould in 1919); typescript on Dover Castle.Contents : SmallCondition : INTACT
929948 "ST MARTIN'S PRIORY, DOVER" Notebook entitled "St Martins Priory, Dover". Containing original pen & ink drawings by J Tavenor Perry of Dover Castle & the Priory ruins, including ground plans. These were possibly intended as illustrations for a publication.Contents : 1 notebookCondition : INTACT
AL0638 Dover Castle - Cliff Face An album of 162 pages containing 162 black and white photographic prints showing views of cliff face below Dover Castle before and during cleaning and consolidation, including damage to houses below
AL0639 Dover Castle - Cliff Face An album of 185 pages containing 185 black and white photographic prints showing views of cliff face below Dover Castle before and during cleaning and consolidation, including damage to houses below
AL0640 Dover Castle - The Jarrett Collection Volume 1 An Album of 66 pages containing a set of images of Dover Castle from the Jarrett collection. They have been printed as a batch by the Department of the Environment and given a standard negative number run. The run includes some apparently duplicate images from the collection as separate prints with separate numbers.Althought the date given on the back of all the prints is 'pre 1914' they appear to have been taken over more than one date as several subjects are returned to. The appearance of the illuminated castle at night and the form of the moter cars in some shots suggests some images may in fact be later than 1914.The images are of a range of structures in the castle including some of the towers and gates, the church, pharos and Keeps water works.There are also some photographs of earlier engravings and one of a section of what appears to be an ordnance survey map.
AL0641 Dover Castle - The Jarrett Collection Volume 2 An Album of 64 pages containing a set of images of Dover Castle from the Jarrett collection. They have been printed as a batch by the Department of the Environment and given a standard negative number run. One print (page 5 of the album) is an original.Althought the only date given is 'pre 1914' they appear to have been taken over more than one date as several subjects are returned to.The images include general pictures of the castle and a range of structures in the castle including some of the towers and gates, and exterior and interior pictures of St Mary's Church and the Keep. There are also a series of photographs of the displays of armour, weapons and armoured models in the Keep.There is also one photograph of an earlier drawing of the castle.
AL0642 Dover Castle, Volume I Album of 96 pages containing 126 photographic prints depicting general and detailed views of the castle and its environs. Most of the views date from the early decades of the 20th century and some can be attributed to the Dover photographer, Charles Stevens Harris.
AL0643 Dover Castle, Volume 2 An album of 156 pages containing general views including sets of postcards and aerial views. As well as general sections the album contains sets of prints covering the underground works, Great Spur, Queen Elizabeths Gun, St Marys Church, Gun Officers Quarters and Moats Bulwark Battery.Pages 24 and 32 do not have prints as they mark the division between sections
AL0644 Dover Castle, General Volume III Album of 147 pages containing 163 photographic prints depicting general and detailed views of the castle gates and towers, many showing renovation works in progress.
AL0645 Dover Castle, Volume 4 - The Keep and Keep Yard An album of 88 pages containing images of the Keep, Inner Bailey and Bailey Buildings. There are internal and external shots some showing renovations in progress mostly to the bailey buildings. There are also two air photographs at the front of the album.
AL0646 Dover Castle, Stone Preservation Experiment Album of 51 pages containing 51 photographic prints showing detail views of stone preservation experiments carried out on the Inner Bailey wall in the 1960s. The views show the stones before, immediately after and 2 years after the experiments.
AL0647 Dover Castle, Volume 8 An album of 84 pages containing views of the various barrack blocks in and around Dover Castle. As well as general shots there are sections on Hudsons Block, the Married Quarters, the Officers Quarters, the NAAFI, the East Barracks and East Arrow Block and demolition of various barracks. There are interior images of the Officers Mess and NAAFI.
AL0648 Dover Castle - Generally. Vol. 9 An album of 38 pages containing 38 black and white photographic prints showing exterior and interior views of buildings at Dover Castle including Arthur's Hall, married quarters, Hudson's Block, Observation Post, store house, also new car park
AL1198/019/01 The Constable's Tower, or Constable's Gate at Dover Castle
AL1198/019/02 A general view of Dover Castle from the north west
AL1198/019/04 Arms and armour displayed in the second floor, East Hall of the Keep at Dover Castle
AL1198/020/03 A view from the south west showing the Constable's Tower, Peverell's Tower, the Inner Curtain and the keep at Dover Castle
AL1198/020/04 A view along the curtain wall at Dover Castle looking towards Canon's Gate with the harbour beyond
AL1198/021/01 Colton Tower and the keep at Dover Castle viewed from the south east
AL1198/021/02 An aerial view of Dover Castle
AL1198/021/03 The Lower Chapel in the keep at Dover Castle
AL1198/021/04 The Lower Chapel in the keep at Dover Castle
AL1198/022/01 Dover Castle from the north west showing Constable's Tower and the harbour in the background
AL1198/022/02 The stairs in the entrance to the keep at Dover Castle
AL1198/022/03 Colton Tower, Constable's Gate, Palace Gate and the keep at Dover Castle
AL1198/022/04 Dover Castle from the north west showing the keep and Constable's Gate
AL1198/023/02 The interior of the Upper Chapel in the keep at Dover Castle
AL1198/023/03 The stairs in the entrance to the keep at Dover Castle
AL1198/023/04 The Constable's Tower at Dover Castle
AL1198/024/01 An exhibition of arms and armour in the East Hall, 2nd floor in the keep at Dover Castle
AL1198/024/02 Dover Castle viewed from the south-west showing the Constable's Tower, Peverell's Tower, Inner Curtain and the Keep
AL1198/024/03 An aerial view of Dover Castle from the north west
AL1198/024/04 Dover Castle from the south-west showing Constable's Tower, Peverell's Tower, Inner Curtain and Keep
AL1198/025/01 Dover Castle from the west showing the Keep and Constable's Tower
AL1198/025/02 Dover Castle and the Keep from the south west
AL1198/025/03 Constable's Tower at Dover Castle viewed from the north west
AL1198/025/04 A view of Peverell's Tower at Dover Castle
AL1198/025/05 Peverell's Tower and the south west side of the curtain wall at Dover Castle
AL1198/026/01 Constable's Tower and moat at Dover Castle
AL1198/026/02 The west side of the curtain wall at Dover Castle
AL1198/026/03 A general view of Dover Castle from the north
AL1198/026/04 Colton Tower and Dover Castle from the south east
AL1198/027/01 A view showing the Constable's Tower at Dover Castle with the harbour in the background
AL1198/027/02 The Roman Pharos lighthouse at Dover Castle
AL1198/027/03 The Lower Chapel in the keep at Dover Castle
AL1198/027/04 The Upper Chapel in the keep at Dover Castle
AL1198/027/05 The stairs at the entrance to the keep at Dover Castle
AL1198/027/06 An underground passage at Dover Castle
AL1198/028/01 The Queen Elizabeth Gun, or Queen Elizabeth Pocket Pistol at Dover Castle
AL2400/101/02 View of a gun emplacement overlooking the Channel at Dover Castle
AL2400/104/01 View of Dover Castle from the south-west
BF111601 Dover Castle, Dover Jobs 2K/14348, 2K/15623, 2K/15671 and 2K/16308 are general site photography and not related to staff photographer commissioning. 2K/15671 includes general photography of Dover eastern and western docks. 2K/15759 shows photographs of the admiralty lookout.
FL00694 Dover Castle Miscellaneous File A file containing 16 envelopes of prints covering a range of topics. The first envelope is a set of miscellaneous prints. Other sets cover the excavations in the graveyard by St Mary in Castro, repairs to the wall of Constables Gate Barbican, the inauguration of Sir Robert Menzies as Lord Warden, the clearance of the old Bag Wash site and Cliff Top, the decay of Say and Gattons Towers, vandalism in the Gatehouse of Moats Bulwark Battery and other more mixed views.There are also two envelopes containing views of St James the Less and the Gatehouse of Dover Priory. Both of these are in the town of Dover and not a part of the Castle
FL00695 Dover Castle - General A box containing miscellaneous prints. The prints are divided into 9 envelopes. The first of these is a set of miscellaneous the next 8 contain sets of photographs which are mostly general views of the castle and specific structures. There are also small sets of prints showing the interior of the roof of Constables Tower and the rebuilding of the retaining wall by Canons Gate
FL00696 Dover Castle - Cliff Face A file containing 15 sub-files. The photographs depict stabilisation work on the cliff face and is divided into photographic jobs. None of these photographs appear in the Dover Castle Cliff Face albums, numbered AL0638 and AL0639.
FL00697 Dover Castle - General A file containing 11 envelopes of photographs covering a range of topics. The first envelope is a set of miscellaneous prints. Other sets cover the excavations in the keep yard, north gateway, Constables Tower Barbican etc., views of Hudson Barrack Block, general views around the site and a set showing views around Dover.
FL00698 Dover Castle Keep and Keep Yard 2 A file containing thirteen envelopes. The pictures are of the keep, keep yard and keep decorations. The first eight envelopes contain recent photographic jobs showing details of the stonework, and the keep before and after temporary alterations were made for the filming of the film 'Lady Jane Grey'
FL00699 Dover Castle Old Photographs A file containing miscellaneous old photographs of the site. Some of the prints carry the name of Charles S Harris, photographer of Dover. Most of the photographs do not appear in any of the MPBW albums but 3 are the original prints of modern photographs featured in the albums.
FL00700 Dover Castle Stonework Preservation A file containing 10 envelopes. Although the file is titled 'Stonework Preservation', the contents are a mixture of subjects, including a plan of the site, record photography of renovations and subsidence, archaeological excavations, Queen Elizabeths Pocket Pistol and original copies of modern prints duplicated in the MPBW Dover Castle Albums.
FL01606 Dover Castle, Dover, Kent This material has not yet been fully catalogued. Copyright, date, and quantity information for this record may be incomplete or inaccurate.
IC032 Dover Castle, Kent Thirty reconstruction drawings and thrity-one general illustrations depicting Dover Castle and related structures, produced for reproduction in site guidebooks and other publications and/or on information panels placed at the site itself.There are a large number of concept design drawings created in the mid to late 2000s, visualising designs for the new suite of interpretation at Dover Castle, including the 'Operation Dynamo' WWII displays and the reinterpretation of King Henry II's chambers in the Keep, which opened in June 2011.The twenty-nine reconstruction illustrations include a large number which tells the story of the Great Seige of Dover Castle which took place in 1216.Illustrators whose work is represented include Ivan Lapper, Terry Ball, Peter Dunn, Liam Wales and Phil Kenning. There is one Oversized Drawing included in this set of illustrations.There are also twenty-five black and white preliminary sketches and some additional backup material, created by Peter Dunn, and thirty-one black and white and three colour preliminary sketches and additional backup material including twenty-eight colour photographs created by Terry Ball. Alongside these is one colour sketch by Phil Kenning. These have not been catalogued at item level.
NMR06 NMR Measured Drawings This material has not yet been fully catalogued. As a result copyright and date information may be incomplete or inaccurate.
OP24781 View of the Constable's Tower gateway to Dover Castle from the north-west
PC40589 Dover Castle seen from Connaught Park This card is Number 37 in the Milton "Fac-Simile" Series.
PF/DOV Dover Castle, Kent 3831 sheets dating from between the sixteenth century and 2015, including 131 distinct jobs. Although a medieval castle, the plans mainly relate to the site's use as a military barracks between the eighteenth- and twentieth-centuries, and its subsequent life as a visitor centre from the late-twentieth-century onward.The large number of sheets offer a broad perspective of the site, with plans, sections, elevations, details and surveys recording construction, repairs, modifications and changes of use to many buildings over a long period of time, including the church within its walls, St Mary In Castro. There are also photogrammetric survey and rectified photographic sheets.A number of sheets relate to the site's underground tunnel complex constructed and used from the Napoleonic wars in the 1810s to World War II in the 1940s, and also proposed (but not adopted) as a cold war nuclear bunker.Some numbers have not been used: MP/DOV0274 to 285; MP/DOV0499; MP/DOV0500; MP/DOV0679; MP/DOV0744; MP/DOV0870; MP/DOV0903; MP/DOV0938; MP/DOV1000; MP/DOV1009; MP/DOV1524 to 1526. The contents of some of these have been transferred to the Western Heights plans collection, reference PF/WST. There are also a number of plans with A and B suffixes.See also PF/AFC for Archcliffe Fort; PF/DAD for Admiralty Pier; PF/DBU for Fort Burgoyne; PF/DCB for Connaught Barracks; PF/DLA for Langdon and Fan Hole Batteries; PF/DMH for Dover Military Hospital; PF/DOP for Old Park Barracks; DPB for Dover Practice Battery; PF/WST for Western Heights.
RCH01/006 Red Box Collection (RCHME) Photographs and other material on open access in the red boxes in the NMR Search Room, Swindon. This record is also used by Heritage Data to link Monument records to their source.
RIG01 Rigold, S: Collection This material has not yet been fully catalogued. Copyright, date, and quantity information for this record may be incomplete or inaccurate.The collection contains a large number of artefact drawings, notes, catalogues, reports and a notebook relating to various medieval sites. For Totnes Castle see "Totnes Castle", MOW 1955.Condition : INTACTBibliographic Reference: 1) 1962, Volume 722) 1950, Volume 713) 1950, Volume 154) 1966, Volume 10
TEM01/01 Postcards of public parks and gardens This series comprises 6501 postcards of public parks and gardens mainly in England. 34 foreign views, principally of Scotland, Wales and Ireland, have been catalogued under TEM01/01/01. Most of the cards date from around 1900 to 1910, though there are later examples. Many well-known photographers and manufacturers are represented, including Valentine and Sons Limited, Francis Frith and George Washington Wilson; a comprehensive listing is available in the hard copy catalogue. Both real photographs and printed halftone cards occur, many of the Edwardian examples being hand-tinted.The collection covers public parks and gardens across England, with a slight emphasis on certain seaside resorts. It is particularly good for views of people using the amenities, detailing costumes, vehicles and activities. Themes include Italianate gardens, floral clocks, carpet gardens, planting regimes, tea gardens, water features, garden architecture and sculpture (including a range of rustic bridges and chalets), and gate lodges. Garden staff and police are also commonly depicted.
VF000169 Dover Castle, Dover, Kent Items in this file were created digitally and have not been printed.
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Unpublished archive material held by Historic England, associated with Dover Castle, Scheduled Monument
Historic England
Referenced Monuments (1)
- TR 34 SW 5 Dover Castle (Monument)
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Record last edited
Mar 16 2023 1:06PM