Source/Archive record (Archive) SKE56318 - Archive material associated with Grain Dragon's Teeth Anti-tank

Title Archive material associated with Grain Dragon's Teeth Anti-tank


909683 Grain Dragon's Teeth Anti-tank Obtacles AF0909675 RCHME: Dragon's Teeth Anti-Tank Obstacles, Grain, Kent RCHME Cambridge conducted the survey of the WWII tank trap in April 1994.Contents : Plan, report, field record formCondition : INTACT DEB01 Defence of Britain This material has not yet been fully catalogued. Copyright, date, and quantity information for this record may be incomplete or inaccurate.Box files containing the record sheets gathered from participants in the Defence of Britain Project. The project recorded, with the help of volunteers, the remains of military structures in Britain. The collection is arranged by county and split between anti-invasion and non anti-invasion defences. The record sheets record the visible structures and include location details, structure type and purpose and include photographs. MD003096 Hoo Peninsula Landscape Project: TQ 87 NE Material still held by Aerial Survey. ME000174 Grain, Dragon's Teeth Anti-tank Obstacles/ink survey Includes profile RCH01/108 East Thames Corridor Project A series of surveys of sites under potential threat of development, as part of the East Thames Corridor, undertaken by RCHME Cambridge from April 1994, for Essex County Council.
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Unpublished archive material held by Historic England, associated with Grain Dragon's Teeth Anti-tank


Historic England

Referenced Monuments (2)

  • Anti-tank obstacles, Grain (Listed Building)
  • The earthwork remains of a large irregular mound measuring c.100m x 30m seen within the marshes of North Level on the Isle of Grain (Monument)

Referenced Events (0)

Record last edited

Dec 5 2024 1:22PM