Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE6667 - Archaeological Observations On Buckland Estate, Dover: The Howard Houses Redevelopment Sites

Title Archaeological Observations On Buckland Estate, Dover: The Howard Houses Redevelopment Sites
Date/Year 1996


Watching briefs carried out at housing development site at TR 305 434 in 1995-6 identified colluvial deposits, possibly incorporating buried land surfaces. A significant quantity of (undated) prehistoric struck and calcined flintwork was found along with animal bones and some 140 sherds. Most were Late Bronze Age-Early Iron Age (c850-550BC) plus 4 earlier pieces, 3 Deverel-Rimbury type and 1 Early Bronze Age Rusticated beaker/Middle Bronze Age urn. Also 2 sherds of Late Iron Age ware were found.

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Kent County Council Heritage 1996/91

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Prehistoric flints and late Bronze Age pottery found at Buckland (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE4936 Watching Brief on Buckland Estate, Dover

Record last edited

Jul 24 2013 2:39PM