Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE6829 - Report on the Archaeological Watching Brief for the New Deal Reservoir; Phase 3, the Pipe-Lines

Title Report on the Archaeological Watching Brief for the New Deal Reservoir; Phase 3, the Pipe-Lines
Date/Year 1993


A probable, rectilinear enclosure was formed by a ditch at TR 36035 49059 and a straight gully at TR 36021 48988. The fill of both features contained struck flints and flint-tempered pottery, dating to the MIA. 1 piece of grog-tempered pottery was found, although this LIA form can be said to be intrusive.

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Kent County Council Heritage 1993/69

Referenced Monuments (2)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE5037 Watching Brief for new Deal reservoir; Phase 3, the Pipe-Lines

Record last edited

Jul 10 2013 9:31AM