Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE7211 - Oasthouse at Court Lodge Farm, Stansted, Kent

Title Oasthouse at Court Lodge Farm, Stansted, Kent
Date/Year 1997


Stansted Court Lodge Farm walls are brick on the south, west and north west sides, but, on the north east side and east, of brick and rubble faced with coursed, roughly knapped flint. There is an extension on the south side. A circular kiln with walls of brick and flint and a tiled conical roof stand at the northern end. The building consists of four construction phases. The first date to 18th century, when the building was used as a malthouse.
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Kent County Council Heritage 1997/139

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Stansted Court Lodge Farm oasthouse (Building)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE5321 Building survey of the oasthouse at Court Lodge Farm, Stansted

Record last edited

Jul 19 2013 10:07AM