Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE7536 - Archaeological Evaluation on buildings situated at Merriams Farm, Caring Lane, Leeds [Interim Report]

Title Archaeological Evaluation on buildings situated at Merriams Farm, Caring Lane, Leeds [Interim Report]
Date/Year 2000


Evaluation of farm buildings at the west side of the farm complex have been identified by the surveyor/author as being of "a very early date". He suggests that these stone buildings are "certainly pre-twelfth century and no later than the fourteenth, but they may go back as far as the eighth century". A limited walkover survey around Merriams Farm, as part of historic survey, identified a number of possible Roman ceramics and pottery sherds as well as possible early Medieval pottery to the south of the farm buildings. The exact location of the finds is not known and the finds were left in situ.

External Links (0)


Unpublished document


Kent County Council Heritage 2000/288

Referenced Monuments (3)

  • Merriams Farm, Caring Lane, Leeds (Building)
  • Open-Fronted Shed at Merriams Farm, Leeds (Building)
  • Possible Roman and Early Medieval ceramic and pottery sherds (Findspot)

Referenced Events (2)

  • EKE5584 Evaluation at Merriams Farm, Caring Lane, Leeds
  • EKE5580 Fieldwalking at Merriams Farm, Caring Lane, Leeds

Record last edited

Aug 14 2013 2:10PM