Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SWX7027 - A Watching Brief at Land Adjacent to The Maypole Public House, Borden, Kent

Title A Watching Brief at Land Adjacent to The Maypole Public House, Borden, Kent
Date/Year 1996


Watching brief during groundworks on land development just to the west of where iron age/Romano-British features had been found. A single pit of Roman date was found suggesting that the surving archaeological features lie to the east.

External Links (0)


SMR monument record created TQ884 630


Kent County Council Heritage 1996/145

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Iron Age/Roman Features Adjacent to Maypole PH, Borden (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE8367 Awatching Brief at Land Adjacent to The Maypole Pub, Borden (Ref: Project 375)

Record last edited

Feb 9 2015 11:10AM