Listed Building: HALES PLACE (1071143)

Grade II*
Volume/Map/Item 633, 1, 125
Date assigned 08 May 1950
Date last amended


1. 1715 OAKS ROAD Hales Place TQ 8833 1/125 8.5.50. II* GV 2. A large early Cl6 timber-framed L-shaped house which has been considerably altered at later dates. It is now fronted partly with red brick, partly with red mathematical tiles and partly with weather tiles, but one strip of timber-framing is still visible. Tiled roof. A few original windows with wooden mullions and diamond panes. Some C18 sash windows with glazing bars intact, and modern windows. Brick chimney stacks. Doorcase on south side with caryatid columns and four-centred arch. On the north side is a doorcase with a flat hood over supported by grotesque caryatids and a 10 panelled door. Good staircase, panelling, fireplaces and ceiling beams inside. Hales Place and the listed buildings in the grounds form a group. Listing NGR: TQ8884733400

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TQ 8884 3339 (point)
Map sheet TQ83SE

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 17 2006 9:59AM