Listed Building: 5 AND 6 THE MARKET PLACE (1343845)

Grade II*
Volume/Map/Item 659, 3, 5
Date assigned 29 July 1950
Date last amended


THE MARKET PLACE 1. 1103 (West Side) Nos 5 & 6 TR O161 SE 3/5 29.7.50. II* GV 2. C15 possibly earlier, timber-framed houses built round an internal courtyard; east fronts plastered, facing onto Market Place. No 5, 3 storeys and 1 window. No 6, 2 storeys and 2 windows. 3 Gables. Crown post roofs with tiled cladding. Tiled roofs. Ground floor underbuilt and consisting of early Cl9 shop fronts. That in No 5 is slightly curved with reeded pilasters and cornice over, but no glazing bars. No 6 has 2 smaller windows with their glazing bars intact, glazed double door between them and cornice over. In the frontage of No 6 between its southernmost shop window and that of No 5 are a medieval pointed doorway and oak door with a keystone having the figure of a horse and the word "Invicta" on it. No 5 has a small C18 bay window on the 1st floor. Early C17 windows to No 6 which have lost their lead glazing. Georgian shop fittings in No 6. Wall paintings discovered in lst storey room to rear in No 6. 5 late C16 painted panels; written Inscriptions behind each panel on wall behind. All the listed buildings in The Market Place form a group Also Nos 1 and 2, 4 to 7 (consec) and No 7A form a group with Nos 1 to 11 (consec) and 11A Court Street. Listing NGR: TR0155961397

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Sources (1)

  • Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest.



Grid reference TR 0156 6139 (point)
Map sheet TR06SW

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Record last edited

Nov 15 2006 6:00PM