Monument record TR 34 SW 1914 - The Main Magazine of the Drop Redoubt fort at Dover's Western Heights.


The Drop Redoubt was a key element of the Western Heights fortifications. Crossing the area inside the Redoubt today is a covered way linking the Parade Ground with the entrance of the Main Magazine. It is sunk 1.8m for protection and has a large earth bank along its eastern side. The principal magazine for Drop Redoubt is a bomb-proof vaulted structure covered by an earth mound, the latter some 3.5m high. Access is gained along a covered way which splits into three, the branches leading to the Parade Ground, Officers’ Quarters and the southern part of the terreplein. The current arrangement includes an original free-standing magazine completed in 1806 and which had a capacity of 320 barrels. (location accurate to the nearest 1m based on available information)


Grid reference Centred TR 3155 4112 (22m by 29m) (3 map features)
Map sheet TR34SW
County KENT
District DOVER, KENT


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

<1> English Heritage, 2000, The Western Heights, Dover, Kent. Report No 3 The Drop Redoubt: A 19th-Century Artillery Fortification (Unpublished document). SKE13677.

<2> Major W H Ford, Royal Engineers, 1811, Plan Shewing the Appropriation of the Ordnance Lands on the Western Heights Dover 1811 (Map). SKE51523.

<3> Unknown, 1860, Drop Redoubt, Dover, Plan, Sections and Elevation Shewing Proposed Alterations And Additions (Map). SKE51528.

Sources/Archives (3)

  • <1>XY Unpublished document: English Heritage. 2000. The Western Heights, Dover, Kent. Report No 3 The Drop Redoubt: A 19th-Century Artillery Fortification. [Mapped feature: #91705 Magazine, ]
  • <2> Map: Major W H Ford, Royal Engineers. 1811. Plan Shewing the Appropriation of the Ordnance Lands on the Western Heights Dover 1811.
  • <3> Map: Unknown. 1860. Drop Redoubt, Dover, Plan, Sections and Elevation Shewing Proposed Alterations And Additions.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Related Events/Activities (1)

  • Non-Intrusive Event: Survey at The Western Heights Dover, The Drop Redoubt (Ref: TR 34 SW 621-Kent sur) (EKE9941)

Record last edited

Jun 11 2020 4:21PM