Source/Archive record (Map) SKE51523 - Plan Shewing the Appropriation of the Ordnance Lands on the Western Heights Dover 1811

Title Plan Shewing the Appropriation of the Ordnance Lands on the Western Heights Dover 1811
Date/Year 1811


Shows Napoleonic works undertaken at the Fort between 1805 and 1811, including structures located within the Citadel.

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National archives MPHH 1/506/1 Plan Shewing the Appropriation of the Ordnance Lands on the Western Heights Dover 1811'. Reference table of acreage and descriptions. Reference table. Scale: 1 inch to 200 feet. Compass indicator. Signed Major W H Ford, Royal Engineers, 1811. Overlays: location labels.


Referenced Monuments (34)

  • Barrack Stores 2 of the Grand Shaft Barracks, Western Heights, Dover (Monument)
  • Barrack Stores and the Barrack Warden's Quarters of the Grand Shaft Barracks, Western Heights, Dover (Monument)
  • Canteen and Regimental Institute of the Grand Shaft Barracks, Western Heights, Dover (Monument)
  • Casemates within the Tenaille of the Citadel, Western Heights, Dover (Monument)
  • Cook House of the Grand Shaft Barracks, Western Heights, Dover (Monument)
  • Cook House of the Grand Shaft Barracks, Western Heights, Dover (Monument)
  • Defensive Ditch of the Drop Redoubt, Western Heights, Dover (Monument)
  • Former site of the Field Officers' Quarters Range A at the Grand Shaft Barracks (Monument)
  • Former site of the Grand Shaft Barracks, Dover Western Heights (Monument)
  • Former site of the Officers Quarters' Range B, the Grand Shaft Barracks (Monument)
  • Former site of the Officers' Mess, the Grand Shaft Barracks (Monument)
  • Former site of the Soldiers Quarters Range A, the Grand Shaft Barracks (Monument)
  • Former site of the Soldiers' Quarters Range B at the Grand Shaft Barracks (Monument)
  • Former site of the stables at the Grand Shaft Barracks (Monument)
  • Guard House of the Grand Shaft Barracks, Western Heights, Dover (Monument)
  • School Masters Quarters of the Grand Shaft Barracks, Western Heights, Dover (Monument)
  • Soldiers Privy, Grand Shaft Barracks, Western Heights, Dover. (Monument)
  • Straw barn of the Grand Shaft Barracks, Western Heights, Dover (Monument)
  • Temporary Barracks of the Citadel, Western Heights, Dover (Monument)
  • The Armourer's and Tailor's Shops of the Grand Shaft Barracks, Western Heights, Dover (Monument)
  • The Commissioned Officers' Quarters of the Grand Shaft Barracks, Western Heights, Dover (Monument)
  • The Curtain and Counterscarp walls of the Drop Redoubt fort at Dover's Western Heights. (Monument)
  • The Gorge Casements of the Citadel, Western Heights, Dover. (Monument)
  • The Guard House Privies and Magazine of the Grand Shaft Barracks, Western Heights, Dover (Monument)
  • The Long Casemates of the Citadel, Western Heights, Dover (Monument)
  • The main ditch of the Citadel, Western Heights, Dover (Monument)
  • The Main Magazine of the Drop Redoubt fort at Dover's Western Heights. (Monument)
  • The North West Bastion of the Citadel, Western Heights, Dover (Monument)
  • The Soldiers quarters of the Drop Redoubt fort at Dover's Western Heights. (Monument)
  • The Tenaille of the Citadel, Western Heights, Dover (Monument)
  • Wash House of the Grand Shaft Barracks, Western Heights, Dover (Monument)
  • Well and Pump house of the Citadel, Western Heights, Dover (Monument)
  • West Face Casements of the Citadel, Western Heights, Dover (Monument)
  • Workshops and wash house of the Grand Shaft Barracks, Western Heights, Dover (Monument)

Referenced Events (0)

Record last edited

Jun 12 2018 1:41PM