Monument record TQ 75 NW 423 - Three Palaeolithic handaxes from Preston Hall Ragstone Quarry, Aylesford, held at Maidstone Museum


Three Palaeolithic handaxes from Preston Hall Ragstone Quarry, Aylesford, held at Maidstone Museum. Two of them collected by S Sills in 1891, and the other by WH Bensted in 1930


Grid reference TQ 7233 5764 (point) accurate in sources
Map sheet TQ75NW
County KENT


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

Several Palaeolithic handaxes held at Maidstone Museum came from pits near Preston Hall, Aylesford, on the southwest side of the main Medway river, documented by Roe (1), and then examined in 2005 for the Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project (2). Two of these, a ficron and a fine sub-cordate (both collected by S Sills in August 1891) are marked with their precise latitude and longitude (S Sills was a surveyor by trade - F Wenban-Smith personal observation), allowing their find-spot to be accurately located in the west face of the well-known Ragstone quarry south of Preston Hall (3). The other (a pointed specimen) was found by WH Bensted in 1930, and is marked "Medway Gravel overlying Kentish Rag". This site corresponds with the locality specified as "Quarry, Aylesford" in the Southern Rivers Palaeolithic Project (4, 5).

<1> Roe, D.A., 1968, Gazetteer of British Lower and Middle Palaeolithic Sites, p138 (Monograph). SWX6570.

<2> Wenban-Smith F. F., Bates M.R and Marshall G., 2007, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project Final Report: The Palaeolithic Resource in the Medway Gravels (Kent) (Unpublished document). SKE29351.

<3> Cook W.H, 1923, Excursions [III - Geological Excursion to Lower Greensand Beds and Pleistocene Drifts at Aylesford]. (Article in serial). SKE51481.

<4> Wessex Archaeology, 1993, The Southern Rivers Palaeolithic Project, Report No.2: The South West and South of the Thames [Vol. I - text], M 4.8 (Monograph). SWX6569.

<5> Wessex Archaeology, 1993, The Southern Rivers Palaeolithic Project: maps for Report No. 2, Regions 4 & 1, The South West and South of the Thames [Vol II - maps], M4.8 (Unpublished document). SKE12023.

Sources/Archives (5)

  • <1> Monograph: Roe, D.A.. 1968. Gazetteer of British Lower and Middle Palaeolithic Sites. 1-355. p138.
  • <2> Unpublished document: Wenban-Smith F. F., Bates M.R and Marshall G.. 2007. Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project Final Report: The Palaeolithic Resource in the Medway Gravels (Kent).
  • <3> Article in serial: Cook W.H. 1923. Excursions [III - Geological Excursion to Lower Greensand Beds and Pleistocene Drifts at Aylesford].. The South Eastern Naturalist 28: lxvi-lxx..
  • <4> Monograph: Wessex Archaeology. 1993. The Southern Rivers Palaeolithic Project, Report No.2: The South West and South of the Thames [Vol. I - text]. M 4.8.
  • <5> Unpublished document: Wessex Archaeology. 1993. The Southern Rivers Palaeolithic Project: maps for Report No. 2, Regions 4 & 1, The South West and South of the Thames [Vol II - maps]. M4.8.

Finds (3)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (3)

  • Non-Intrusive Event: Preston Hall Sand Pit, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: PHSP01) (EKE9558)
  • Non-Intrusive Event: Preston Hall Sand Pit, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: PHSP02) (EKE9559)
  • Non-Intrusive Event: The Southern rivers Palaeolithic Project (EKE20337)

Record last edited

Feb 3 2021 3:47PM