Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE29351 - Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project Final Report: The Palaeolithic Resource in the Medway Gravels (Kent)

Title Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project Final Report: The Palaeolithic Resource in the Medway Gravels (Kent)
Date/Year 2007


Review of existing palaeolithic discoveries in the Medway Valley, report on a test-pitting programme and presentation of a predictive model and characterisation

External Links (0)


Unpublished report for English Heritage, 61pp + appendices


Kent County Council Heritage 2014/239

Referenced Monuments (34)

  • 3 Palaeolithic handaxes from Bryce's Sand Pit, Forstal Road, Aylesford (Findspot)
  • Abundant Lower/Middle Palaeolithic finds from excavation at front of 15 Rochester Road, Cuxton (Monument)
  • Abundant Lower/Middle Palaeolithic finds from test pit at 21 Rochester Road, Cuxton (Monument)
  • Faunal remains found at Rings Hill Farm, Wouldham (Pleistocene Environmental Findspot)
  • Four Palaeolithic flakes recovered during test-pitting at Newhall Farm, Allhallows (Monument)
  • Lower / middle palaeolithic finds discovered in 2005 during the Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project (Findspot)
  • Lower / middle palaeolithic finds from Darland, Gillingham (Findspot)
  • Lower / middle palaeolithic flakes, Upnor Training Ground (Monument)
  • Lower / middle Palaeolithic handaxes and debitage from the Boxley area. (Findspot)
  • Lower / middle palaeolithic handaxes from the Ranscombe area (Findspot)
  • Lower / Middle Palaeolithic Levallois core, Whitehouse Farm (Monument)
  • Lower/Middle Palaeolithic flint-knapping workshop on valley-side above chalk quarry, east of All Saints Church, Frindsbury (Monument)
  • Middle Pleistocene palaeo-environmental remains at Kingsmead Park, Allhallows (Pleistocene Environmental Findspot)
  • Mollusc-rich silt deposits at Whittings Farm, Halling, possible Late Glacial palaaeosol (Pleistocene Environmental Findspot)
  • Numerous Palaeolithic finds (mostly handaxes) and Pleistocene mammal bones from Aylesford Sand Quarry (formerly Silas Wagon's Pit) (Monument)
  • Palaeolithic artefacts (mostly handaxes) from Ham Hill Pits, Birling (Findspot)
  • Palaeolithic artefacts from brickearth pit to SW of St Werburgh's Church, Hoo (Monument)
  • Palaeolithic flake from Whittings Farm, Halling (Monument)
  • Palaeolithic flint artefact, Clubb's Pit, Isle of Grain (Findspot)
  • Palaeolithic handaxe, found near Allington Lock (Findspot)
  • Palaeolithic handaxe, from gravel pit to SW of Allhallows Church, Hoo (Findspot)
  • Palaeolithic handaxe, St. Mary Hoo, field by "Hoppers" (Findspot)
  • Palaeolithic handaxe, Stoke (Findspot)
  • Palaeolithic handaxes and debitage from Lower Lines, Chatham (Findspot)
  • Palaeolithic handaxes and other finds from general Gillingham area (Findspot)
  • Palaeolithic handaxes from Nickel (or Nico) Pits, Aylesford (Findspot)
  • Palaeolithic implement, Sharp's Green, Gillingham (Findspot)
  • Palaeolithic occupation/activity site with abundant handaxes, in garden/scrub to the southwest of the entrance gate to Cuxton Rectory, Cuxton (Monument)
  • Roman burials and palaeolithic flints (Monument)
  • Three Palaeolithic handaxes from Preston Hall Gravel Pit, Aylesford, held at Maidstone Museum (Monument)
  • Three Palaeolithic handaxes from Preston Hall Ragstone Quarry, Aylesford, held at Maidstone Museum (Monument)
  • Two Palaeolithic handaxes from Aylesford Sand Pit, Preston Hall (Findspot)
  • Very numerous Palaeolithic finds (mostly handaxes, but also Levallois flakes, flake-tools and debitage) from pit on east side of New Hythe Lane (Findspot)
  • Very numerous Palaeolithic handaxes from general Aylesford area (Findspot)

Referenced Events (72)

  • EKE9576 Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project, Upnor, test pit (Ref: MVPP: UPNOR 05)
  • EKE9513 15 Rochester Road, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: CUX02)
  • EKE14370 A number of boreholes examined as part of the Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project at Binney Farm (Ref: MVPP: BFM 05)
  • EKE9480 Allington Lock, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: AL01)
  • EKE9483 Aylesford General, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: AYFDG01)
  • EKE9484 Aylesford General, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: AYFDG02)
  • EKE9485 Aylesford General, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: AYFDG03)
  • EKE9486 Aylesford General, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: AYFDG04)
  • EKE9487 Aylesford General, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: AYFDG05)
  • EKE9488 Aylesford General, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: AYFDG06)
  • EKE9489 Aylesford General, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: AYFDG07)
  • EKE9490 Aylesford General, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: AYFDG08)
  • EKE9491 Aylesford General, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: AYFDG09)
  • EKE9499 Boxley, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: BOX01)
  • EKE9500 Boxley, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: BOX02)
  • EKE9501 Boxley, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: BOX03)
  • EKE9502 Boxley, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: BOX04)
  • EKE9504 Bryce's Sand Pit, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: BSP01)
  • EKE9522 Chalk quarry east of Frindsbury Church, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: FRNDEX01)
  • EKE9510 Clubbs Pit, Isle of Grain; Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project: walkover, section recording and OSL dating (Ref: MVPP: CLBG 05)
  • EKE9506 Cobtree Manor Park, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: CBTMP 05)
  • EKE9511 Court Lodge Farm, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project test pits (Ref: MVPP: CTLF 05)
  • EKE9515 Cuxton 4, 21 Rochester Road, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project test pits (Ref: MVPP: CXTN4 05)
  • EKE14363 Dagnam Farm, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project fieldwork (Ref: MVPP: DGFM 05)
  • EKE9512 ER Swain flint collection from Rectory Garden, Cuxton; Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing collections (Ref: MVPP: CUX01)
  • EKE9431 Excavation at Aylesford County Primary School (Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project) (Ref: MVPP: ACPS 05)
  • EKE9521 Frindsbury Church, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: FRCH01)
  • EKE9524 Gillingham Darland, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: GILLDAR01)
  • EKE9523 Gillingham, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: GILL01)
  • EKE9526 Ham Hill Pits (labelled as HHA), Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: HHP02)
  • EKE9525 Ham Hill Pits, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: HHP01)
  • EKE9527 Ham Hill Pits, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: HHP03)
  • EKE9528 Ham Hill Pits, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: HHP04)
  • EKE9529 Ham Hill Pits, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: HHP05)
  • EKE9530 Ham Hill Pits, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: HHP06)
  • EKE9531 Ham Hill Pits, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: HHP07)
  • EKE9532 Hoo, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: HOO01)
  • EKE9536 Kingsmead Park, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project: test pits (Ref: MVPP: KMP 05)
  • EKE9537 Lower Lines (the lines or Hippodrome Fields), Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: LL01)
  • EKE9538 Lower Lines (the lines or Hippodrome Fields), Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: LL02)
  • EKE9539 Lower Lines (the lines or Hippodrome Fields), Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: LL03)
  • EKE14364 Mackay's Court Farm, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project fieldwork (Ref: MVPP: MCKY 05)
  • EKE9094 Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project
  • EKE9545 New Hythe Lane Pits, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: NHL01)
  • EKE9546 New Hythe Lane Pits, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: NHL02)
  • EKE14365 Newhall Farm, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project: test pits (Ref: MVPP: NHFM 05)
  • EKE9547 Nickel (Nico) Pits, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: NP01)
  • EKE9547 Nickel (Nico) Pits, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: NP01)
  • EKE9548 Nickel (Nico) Pits, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: NP02)
  • EKE9549 Nickel (Nico) Pits, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: NP03)
  • EKE9550 Nickel (Nico) Pits, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: NP04)
  • EKE9551 Nickel (Nico) Pits, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: NP05)
  • EKE9552 Nickel (Nico) Pits, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: NP06)
  • EKE9553 Nickel (Nico) Pits, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: NP07)
  • EKE9554 Nickel (Nico) Pits, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: NP08)
  • EKE9555 Nickel (Nico) Pits, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: NP09)
  • EKE9558 Preston Hall Sand Pit, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: PHSP01)
  • EKE9559 Preston Hall Sand Pit, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: PHSP02)
  • EKE9560 Preston Hall Sand Pit, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: PHSP03)
  • EKE9561 Preston Hall Sand Pit, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: PHSP04)
  • EKE9562 Ranscombe, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: RANS01)
  • EKE14372 Review of existing information carried as as part of the Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project (Ref: MVPP: MLF 05)
  • EKE14367 Sections examined as part of Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project: Asheldham Quarry (Ref: MVPP: ASQ 05)
  • EKE14371 Sections obtained as part of the Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project: Sandling Place, Maidstone (Ref: MVPP:SLM 05)
  • EKE9569 Sharp's Green Chalk Pit, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: SHGRCHP01)
  • EKE9575 Silas Wagon's Pit, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: SWP01)
  • EKE9572 St Mary Hoo, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: SMH01)
  • EKE9574 Stoke (N of Chatham), Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: STOKE01)
  • EKE9514 The Rectory, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project review of existing information (Ref: MVPP: CUX03)
  • EKE9579 Wainscotte East, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project test pits (Ref: MVPP: WSCOTTE 05)
  • EKE9580 Whitehouse Farm, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project test pits (Ref: MVPP: WTHF 05)
  • EKE9578 Whittings Farm, Medway Valley Palaeolithic Project test pits (Ref: MVPP: WHTT 05)

Record last edited

Nov 8 2018 5:02PM