Building record TR 34 SW 2366 - Historic Building 19 Norman Street, Dover, Kent


19 Norman Street Likely Mid C19th building located on the northern side of the road, at the far eastern end of the terrace, with a domestic use. Currently (2019) in a poor condition. (location accurate to the nearest 1m based on available information)


Grid reference Centred TR 3161 4162 (8m by 10m)
Map sheet TR34SW
County KENT
District DOVER, KENT


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

Forms the eastern end of a terrace of 9, mid C19th houses of a double depth plan, located on the northern side of Norman Street. It is in a stock brick which is rendered over the ground floor and basement level, but the render has been removed on the first and second floor levels revealing the brickwork beneath. This brickwork is in a very poor condition with many loose bricks and areas where the pointing is not present. At the ground floor level, where the render has been retained, it is also in a poor condition with numerous large cracks. The door is located on the western side of the façade, close to the western party wall, with a single window at the ground floor level on its eastern side. The areas above both the ground floor window and door is slightly bowed suggesting issues with the brick structure beneath the plaster here. The ground floor is raised from the street level and the front door is accessed via a set of six concrete steps. There is a door beneath these steps which provides separate access to the basement level. There are six pilasters at the ground floor level, one on either side of both the window and the door, with a further two on the eastern side of the window, supporting an entablature at the base of the first floor level. There are two windows at the first floor level, these do not align with those on the ground floor. The eastern has a moulded plasterwork surround and a triangular pediment above on console brackets, this is in a poor condition with several very large cracks. The western looks to have also originally had these plaster details but they have been removed retaining the console brackets only. The second floor windows align with the first floor windows, these have protruding sills. There is a projecting cornice below a low parapet over the second floor, both the cornice and the brickwork above are in a poor condition with many loose bricks and a small amount of vegetation growth. In the front of the house there is a low stuccoed brick wall with iron railing above and stuccoed gate piers separating a small paved garden area from the street. Two further low walls with stuccoed gate piers with moulded caps are located on either side of the steps up to the doorway, these are all painted cream. There are numerous large cracks in the stucco on these walls. The side and rear elevation is in an exposed stock brick, this is in a better condition than the front elevation. There are shallow rendered bay windows located at the first and second floor levels on the eastern side of the rear façade and a two storey plus basement level extension over the western side. The upper part of this is clad with modern timber weatherboards The building is in a fairly poor condition with attention needed to ensure its structural stability.

There are six windows located across the façade, all are all original 12-pane sashes divided by timber glazing bars apart from the flat roofed dormer at the roof level which is two panes divided vertically. The first and second floor windows align across the floors, while the single ground floor and basement windows are located slightly off centre, on the eastern side of the door. All of the windows four panes high by three wide, apart from the dormer (discussed above) and the basement window which is four wide by three high. The door is located on the western side of the façade, abutting the western party wall. It is in timber painted black with four rectangular panels, it is possibly original. There is a rectangular overlight located above the transom over the door with opaque glass. The window and door frames are in timber painted white. All of the windows are in a good condition. The windows on the rear elevation were not clearly seen but appear to be mostly original timber framed sashes and in a good condition.

The roof is gabled with the gable ends over both party walls. It is in a Welsh slate. There are rendered stacks over party walls. There is a large modern aerial attached to the eastern stack. Both the stack and the roof are in a good condition.

There is a flint and brick rubble wall located on the eastern side of the property, immediately abutting the eastern party wall, which stretches from the front wall, around to the rear of the property and stretching the full length of the back garden. It is likely of a similar age to the building itself. (1)

<1> Kent County Council, 2019, Historic building condition asseesment and photographic survey of Dover Town Centre (Unpublished document). SKE52120.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1>XY Unpublished document: Kent County Council. 2019. Historic building condition asseesment and photographic survey of Dover Town Centre. [Mapped feature: #101860 Building, ]

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Related Events/Activities (2)

  • Non-Intrusive Event: Walkover and photographic survey of Dover Town - Area 2 The Priory (EKE19203)
  • Event Boundary: Walkover and photographic survey of Dover Town Centre (EKE19201)

Record last edited

Jun 19 2019 4:12PM