Monument record TR 04 SW 557 - Iron Age ritual enclosures, Orbital Park, Ashford


Three adjacent square ditched enclosures were found to the south-east of a late Iron Age settlement site. They were similar in form and size and were found to contain small quantities of late Iron Age pottery. There were bounded to the north and west by further ditch segments. A ritual interpretation was made, based on similar arrangemnts of enclosures elsewhere, which are sometimes associated with cremation burial cemeteries.


Grid reference Centred TR 0308 4049 (36m by 26m)
Map sheet TR04SW
County KENT


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

Three adjacent square ditched enclosures were found to the south-east of a late Iron Age settlement site. They were similar in form and size and were found to contain small quantities of late Iron Age pottery and a few fragments of residual Bronze Age pottery. There were bounded to the north and west by further ditch segments. A ritual interpretation was made, based on similar arrangements of enclosures elsewhere, which are sometimes associated with cremation burial cemeteries. (1)

<1> Oxford Archaeology East, 2016, Post-Excavation Assessment and Updated project Design: Orbital Park Phase 1, Ashford, Kent (Unpublished document). SKE51989.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Unpublished document: Oxford Archaeology East. 2016. Post-Excavation Assessment and Updated project Design: Orbital Park Phase 1, Ashford, Kent.

Finds (2)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Related Events/Activities (1)

  • Intrusive Event: Post-Excavation assessment and Updated Project Design: Orbital Park Phase 1, Ashford, Kent (Ref: XKTORB15) (EKE17634)

Record last edited

Mar 11 2020 9:58AM