Monument record TQ 67 SW 1732 - Palaeolithic land surfaces, working floors, flint findspots and faunal remains uncovered in Barnfield pit.


Observations made by T Marston at various locations in Barnfield Pit, Swanscombe, throughout the 1930s revealed a series of important findings. Multiple in situ working floors and land surfaces, with a Palaeolithic date, were uncovered which included a wide variety of worked flint finds. The deposits uncovered also contained the Swanscombe Skull. (location accurate to the nearest 10m based on available information)


Grid reference Not recorded
Map sheet Not recorded
County KENT


No mapped location recorded.

Type and Period (2)

Full Description

<1> Bridgland DR, 1994, Quaternary of the Thames. (Monograph). SKE32233.

<2> Stopes H,, 1895, A prehistoric metropolis in Kent. (Article in serial). SKE32279.

<3> Smith RA, Dewey H,, 1913, Stratification at Swanscombe: report on excavations made on behalf of the British Museum and H.M. Geological Survey. (Article in serial). SKE32207.

<4> Smith R.A and Dewey H, 1914, The High Terrace of the Thames: report on excavations made on behalf of the British Museum and H.M. Geological Survey. (Article in serial). SKE32181.

<5> Swanscombe Committee, 1938, Report on the Swanscombe skull: prepared by the Swanscombe Committee of the Royal Anthropological Institute. (Article in serial). SKE32212.

<6> Ovey, C. D., 1964, The Swanscombe Skull: a Survey of Research on a Pleistocene Site (Monograph). SWX9319.

<7> Wymer, JJ, 1968, Lower Palaeolithic Archaeology in Britain as represented by the Thames Valley. (Monograph). SKE29697.

<8> Conway BW, McNabb J, & Ashton N, (ed's), 1996, Excavations at Barnfield Pit, Swanscombe, 1968–72. (Monograph). SKE32240.

<9> Wenban-Smith F. F., 2004 (March), The Stopes Palaeolithic Project: Final Report (Unpublished document). SWX12877.

<10> Wenban-Smith FF,, 2009, Henry Stopes (1852-1902): engineer, brewer and anthropologist. (Article in serial). SKE32263.

<11> Wessex Archaeology, 1993, The Southern Rivers Palaeolithic Project, Report No.2: The South West and South of the Thames [Vol. I - text] (Monograph). SWX6569.

<12> Essex County Council & Kent County Council, 2003, Archaeological Survey of Mineral Extraction Sites around the Thames Estuary (Unpublished document). SKE12012.

<13> Wessex Archaeology, March 2004, Swanscombe Heritage Park and Craylands Gorge, Swanscombe, Kent. Archaeological and Geological Desk Based Assessment (Unpublished document). SWX12883.

Sources/Archives (13)

  • <1> Monograph: Bridgland DR. 1994. Quaternary of the Thames..
  • <2> Article in serial: Stopes H,. 1895. A prehistoric metropolis in Kent.. Athenaeum 3541 (Sept. 7th): 325..
  • <3> Article in serial: Smith RA, Dewey H,. 1913. Stratification at Swanscombe: report on excavations made on behalf of the British Museum and H.M. Geological Survey.. Archaeologia 64: 177-204..
  • <4> Article in serial: Smith R.A and Dewey H. 1914. The High Terrace of the Thames: report on excavations made on behalf of the British Museum and H.M. Geological Survey.. Archaeologia 65: 185-212.
  • <5> Article in serial: Swanscombe Committee. 1938. Report on the Swanscombe skull: prepared by the Swanscombe Committee of the Royal Anthropological Institute.. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 68, 17-98..
  • <6> Monograph: Ovey, C. D.. 1964. The Swanscombe Skull: a Survey of Research on a Pleistocene Site.
  • <7> Monograph: Wymer, JJ. 1968. Lower Palaeolithic Archaeology in Britain as represented by the Thames Valley..
  • <8> Monograph: Conway BW, McNabb J, & Ashton N, (ed's). 1996. Excavations at Barnfield Pit, Swanscombe, 1968–72..
  • <9> Unpublished document: Wenban-Smith F. F.. 2004 (March). The Stopes Palaeolithic Project: Final Report.
  • <10> Article in serial: Wenban-Smith FF,. 2009. Henry Stopes (1852-1902): engineer, brewer and anthropologist.. Lithics 30: 65-85. [Great Prehistorians: 150 Years of Palaeolithic Research 1859-2009, RT Hosfield, FF Wenban-Smith, MI Pope (eds)].
  • <11> Monograph: Wessex Archaeology. 1993. The Southern Rivers Palaeolithic Project, Report No.2: The South West and South of the Thames [Vol. I - text].
  • <12> Unpublished document: Essex County Council & Kent County Council. 2003. Archaeological Survey of Mineral Extraction Sites around the Thames Estuary.
  • <13> Unpublished document: Wessex Archaeology. March 2004. Swanscombe Heritage Park and Craylands Gorge, Swanscombe, Kent. Archaeological and Geological Desk Based Assessment.

Finds (7)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Related Events/Activities (9)

  • Event Boundary: Excavations at Barnfield Pit by A. T. Marston (EKE19973)
  • Non-Intrusive Event: Excavations at Barnfield Pit by A. T. Marston, Section A (EKE20003)
  • Non-Intrusive Event: Excavations at Barnfield Pit by A. T. Marston, Section D (EKE20004)
  • Non-Intrusive Event: Excavations at Barnfield Pit by A. T. Marston, Section E (EKE20005)
  • Non-Intrusive Event: Excavations at Barnfield Pit by A. T. Marston, Section F (EKE20006)
  • Intrusive Event: Excavations at Barnfield Pit by A. T. Marston, Skull site (EKE19974)
  • Event Boundary: Excavations of middle gravels at Barnfield Pit, Swanscombe (EKE20007)
  • Intrusive Event: Excavations of middle gravels at Barnfield Pit, Swanscombe (EKE20008)
  • Non-Intrusive Event: The Southern rivers Palaeolithic Project (EKE20337)

Record last edited

Feb 3 2021 3:47PM