Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SWX12877 - The Stopes Palaeolithic Project: Final Report

Title The Stopes Palaeolithic Project: Final Report
Date/Year 2004 (March)


A report into the analysis of the Stopes Palaeolithic collection held in the National Museum & Galleries of Wales, but largely comprising flint iplements from the Swnascombe area of Kent. The report details the considerably improved information regarding
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Unpublished report prepared for English Heritage, March 2004 [available through ADS portal]. 9 pages only (incomplete - original report comprises a substantial bound A4 text volume complemented by an A3 maps volume) A review of the Stopes flint collect


Kent County Council Heritage 2004/300A

Referenced Monuments (49)

  • 3 Palaeolithic handaxes and 9 pieces of debitage from Swanscombe Wood (Findspot)
  • Ash, general area: surface-finds of at least 5 Palaeolithic handaxes and 3 flakes in the late 19th C (Findspot)
  • Bartholomew's Hill, Swanscombe, surface finds of 12 Palaeolithic handaxes and 3 debitage, found in late 19th Century (Findspot)
  • Caerberlarber Hole, numerous Palaeolithic handaxes and other lithic artefacts, mostly debitage (Findspot)
  • Farningham Road (vicinity of): surface-finds of two Palaeolithic handaxes (Findspot)
  • Farningham Road, field by station: surface-find of Palaeolithic flake (Findspot)
  • Fawkham, general area: numerous Palaeolithic handaxes, and various other flint artefacts (Findspot)
  • Five Palaeolithic handaxes from vicinity of St. Peter and St. Paul's Church, Swanscombe (Findspot)
  • Globe Pit, Greenhithe, Palaeolithic handaxes found in early 20th Century (Findspot)
  • Greenhithe Beach, three derived Palaeolithic flakes (Findspot)
  • Handaxe surface-find, Ingress Abbey, Old Garden (Embleton's Garden) (Findspot)
  • Handaxes, flakes, mammalian fossils and other palaeoenvironmental remains from 100 ft terrace deposits at Dierden's Pit, Knockhall Road (Monument)
  • Hartley, vicinity of: surface-find of large blade, probably Final Upper Palaeolithic (Long Blade) (Findspot)
  • Hartley, vicinity of: surface-finds of three Prehistoric worked flints (Findspot)
  • Large Palaeolithic blade from Botany Bay Pit, Galley Hill (Findspot)
  • Late upper Palaeolithic core plus possible blades, surface-finds from 'The Mounts', Swanscombe (Findspot)
  • Levalloisian Palaeolithic flakes, cores and animal remains from pit rail cutting to Bevan's (Baker's Hole) Pit (Monument)
  • Numerous Palaeolithic handaxes (and other flint artefacts) from general Swanscombe area. (Findspot)
  • Oldbury Hill, Merriman Field: surface-finds of two Palaeolithic handaxes and two flakes (Findspot)
  • Oldbury, general area (including Oldbury Hill): surface-finds of numerous handaxes and other Palaeolithic material (6 flakes, 4 possible flake-tools, (Findspot)
  • Palaeolithic artefact from gravel under new shop for Mr Ames, Swanscombe (Findspot)
  • Palaeolithic flint artefacts from Galley Hill, Swanscombe (Findspot)
  • Palaeolithic handaxe and flakes from terrace gravels at Galley Hill Pit (N), aka "Higgins' Pit" (Monument)
  • Palaeolithic handaxe from Galley Hill tram tracks, Swanscombe (Findspot)
  • Palaeolithic handaxe from near New Barn Farm House (Findspot)
  • Palaeolithic handaxe surface finds from vicinity of Alkerden Manor Farm, Swanscombe (Findspot)
  • Palaeolithic handaxes and debitage from "Odgers Street, Higham" (Findspot)
  • Palaeolithic handaxes and debitage from Stewart's Fields, Bloor Place, Rainham (Findspot)
  • Palaeolithic handaxes found in garden at Mansion House, Swanscombe (Findspot)
  • Palaeolithic Handaxes from Bevan's Wash-pit, opposite New Barn Farmhouse (Findspot)
  • Palaeolithic handaxes from Northfleet Shore (Findspot)
  • Palaeolithic handaxes, surface finds from "top fields" beside "the Great Pit, Milton Street" (Findspot)
  • Palaeolithic land surfaces, working floors, flint findspots and faunal remains uncovered in Barnfield pit. (Monument)
  • Palaolithic handaxes and debitage from "Treadwell's Hop Ground", Swanscombe (Findspot)
  • Paleolithic debitage, Telegraph Hill, Southfleet (Findspot)
  • Residual Palaeolithic handaxe and debitage finds near Treadwell's Farm, Swanscombe (Findspot)
  • Several Palaeolithic handaxes (and other flint artefacts) from general Northfleet area. (Findspot)
  • Southfleet, general area: several Palaeolithic surface-finds in the late 19th C, including two handaxes, one core, two flakes and a Levallois flake (Findspot)
  • Southfleet, One Tree Field; surface-finds of numerous Palaeolithic material in the late 19th century (8 handaxes and 11 flakes) (Findspot)
  • Southfleet, One Tree Field; surface-finds of numerous Palaeolithic material in the late 19th century (8 handaxes and 11 flakes) (Findspot)
  • Surface-finds of two Palaeolithic flakes from vicinity of Southfleet (Findspot)
  • Surface-finds of two Palaeolithic flakes from vicinity of Southfleet (Findspot)
  • The Mounts, Swanscombe - 11 Palaeolithic handaxes and 2 flakes, surface finds in the late 19th Century (Findspot)
  • The Swanscombe Skull, Barnfield Pit, Swanscombe (Monument)
  • Two Palaeolithic flint cores from gravel at All Saints Church, Galley Hill (Findspot)
  • Two Palaeolithic handaxes and 1 piece of debitage from Botany Bay Pit, Galley Hill (Findspot)
  • Two Palaeolithic handaxes and nine debitage from "Dundel's Farm" (Findspot)
  • Unprovenanced Palaeolithic artefacts and mammalian fossils from "Bevan's Pit" , the original late 19th C quarry also known as Baker's Hole (Findspot)
  • West Yoke, Johnson's Farm: surface-finds of 4 Palaeolithic flakes in the late 19th C from "Johnson's Field", taken as close to Johnson's Farm (Findspot)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EWX9155 Desktop survey; Stopes Palaeolithic Project: Final Report

Record last edited

Jan 16 2023 12:35PM