Monument record TR 15 NE 2033 - Early medieval - medieval ditches and a medieval rubbish pit at 121-125 Sturry Road
Grid reference | Centred TR 1585 5888 (9m by 14m) |
Map sheet | TR15NE |
County | KENT |
Type and Period (2)
Full Description
A medieval rubbish pit containing 13th-14th century pottery was excavated on land at the rear of 121-125 Sturry Road, during an evaluation in 2012. The dimensions of the rubbish pit are not included in the report; its fill contained four abraded pottery sherds, three of which represented Canterbury Tyler Hill sandy ware, and one of which was north or west Kent fine sandy ware. The pottery dated between 1225-1350 AD. The piece of Kent fine sandy ware was a jug bodysherd.
The pit has been suggested to indicate the presence of domestic activity or dwelling in the vicinity of the site. Earlier archaeology at the site includes an assemblage of Bronze Age flints (TR 15 NE 2031), and later Prehistoric/Roman ditches (TR 15 NE 2032). (1)
Two medieval ditches were excavated at the site in 2015 - one dating from the Anglo-Saxon period (450-625 AD), the one dating from the early-mid medieval period (1150-1375 AD).
The Saxon ditch was aligned NE-SW and measured 11.6m in length, 1.45-1.95m in width, and 0.85m in depth. The fill of the ditch contained 15 pottery sherds, 8 pieces of animal bone (interpreted as cattle remains), and a fragment of haematite. Residual or probable residual remains from the ditch fill included 3 fragments of Roman brick, 12 pieces of burnt flint, and 12 pieces of worked flint dating to the Mesolithic-Bronze Age period.
The ditch dating from 1150-1375 was aligned NW-SE and measured 12.6m in length, 0.45-0.90m in width, and around 0.30m in depth. The fill of the ditch contained 16 pottery sherds, a fragment of charcoal and a piece of daub, alongside small inclusions of ceramic building material and bone. The ditch also contained some residual material including fragments of Roman brick and tile, a possible Roman quernstone fragment formed of green sandstone, and residual flints - "a side scraper dated to between the Mesolithic – Middle Bronze Age, two waste flakes (undated) and one piercer (undated)" (from the original report, 2). (2)
<1> Swale & Thames Archaeological Survey Company, 2012, Archaeological Evaluation and Assessment of Land rear of 121-125 Sturry Road, Canterbury, CT1 1DA, Kent (Unpublished document). SKE55686.
<2> Swale & Thames Archaeological Survey Company, 2015, Archaeological Monitoring of Land to the rear of 121-125 Sturry Road, Canterbury, Kent (Unpublished document). SKE55712.
Sources/Archives (2)
- <1> SKE55686 Unpublished document: Swale & Thames Archaeological Survey Company. 2012. Archaeological Evaluation and Assessment of Land rear of 121-125 Sturry Road, Canterbury, CT1 1DA, Kent.
- <2> SKE55712 Unpublished document: Swale & Thames Archaeological Survey Company. 2015. Archaeological Monitoring of Land to the rear of 121-125 Sturry Road, Canterbury, Kent.
Finds (8)
- SHERD (Medieval - 1225 AD? to 1350 AD?)
- BODY SHERD (Medieval - 1225 AD? to 1300 AD?)
- ANIMAL REMAINS (Early Medieval or Anglo-Saxon - 450 AD? to 625 AD?)
- POTTERY ASSEMBLAGE (Early Medieval or Anglo-Saxon to Medieval - 450 AD? to 1375 AD?)
- UNIDENTIFIED OBJECT (Early Medieval or Anglo-Saxon - 450 AD? to 625 AD?)
- Charcoal (Medieval - 1150 AD? to 1375 AD?)
- DAUB (Medieval - 1150 AD? to 1375 AD?)
- CERAMIC (Medieval - 1150 AD? to 1375 AD?)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (1)
- Intrusive Event: Archaeological evaluation and assessment of land at the rear of 121-125 Sturry Road, Canterbury, 2012 (Ref: Site Code: SRD-EV-12) (EKE22641)
Record last edited
Jan 29 2025 11:42AM