Monument record TR 36 NW 1362 - Roman pits and quarries land off Tothill Street, Minster


Three large quarry and two smaller, discrete pits were discovere during evaluation trenchin on land off Tothill Street in minster, Thanet. One of the quarries truncated an earlier ditch. The fills of the features contained sherds of Late Iron Age/Early Roman pottery and building material. (location accurate to the nearest 1m based on available informaiton)


Grid reference Centred TR 3098 6547 (88m by 93m) (5 map features)
Map sheet TR36NW
County KENT


Type and Period (2)

Full Description

A group of roman features were discovered within a trench during an archaeological evaluation of a site off Tothill Street in Minster, Thanet. The trench contained three large quarry pits as well as two smaller, discrete pits at the east end of the trench. A ditch was also seen, this was cut by later quarry pit. All the features cut the natural chalk geology and were sealed by ploughsoil at a depth of 0.33m. A small assemblage of 19th – 20th century pottery, cbm and worked flint were recovered from the ploughsoil. A small trial excavation in the west end of one of the quarries was 0.59mdeep and contained three backfill deposits. Aside from some Romano-British pottery from the middle fill, the latest fill contained a good assemblage of early 1st to early 2nd century AD pottery (32/538g), some 2nd – 3rd century AD pottery (9/316g), as well as cbm (including a possible tegula fragment) and residual worked flint. The two, truncated, oval pits in the east of the trench were 0.80 – 1.6m in extent and both only 0.19m deep. One pit was was undated, while the other produced a small assemblage of worked flint and Late Iron Age/Early Romano-British pottery (1st century BC – 1st century AD). (information summarised from source) (1)

Numerous pits of Iron Age/Roman date were visible as a cropmarks in Next Perspectives APGB Imagery 21-APR-2007 and EARTH.GOOGLE.COM XX-APR-2017. These features were mapped as part of the Historic England Isle of Thanet project in 2024. (2)-3

<1> Cotswold Archaeology, 2017, Land at Tothill Street, Minster in Thanet, Kent - Archaeological Evaluation Report (Unpublished document). SKE55739.

<2> Next Perspectives, 2003-2021, Next Perspectives APGB orthophotography, Next Perspectives APGB Imagery 21-APR-2007 (Archive). SKE57110.

<3> Google.Com, 1960-2023, Earth.Google.Com orthophotography, EARTH.GOOGLE.COM XX-APR-2017 (Archive). SKE57111.

Sources/Archives (3)

  • <1>XY Unpublished document: Cotswold Archaeology. 2017. Land at Tothill Street, Minster in Thanet, Kent - Archaeological Evaluation Report. [Mapped feature: #119788 Quarry and pits, ]
  • <2> Archive: Next Perspectives. 2003-2021. Next Perspectives APGB orthophotography. Next Perspectives APGB Imagery 21-APR-2007.
  • <3> Archive: Google.Com. 1960-2023. Earth.Google.Com orthophotography. EARTH.GOOGLE.COM XX-APR-2017.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (3)

  • Intrusive Event: Archaeological evaluation on land at Tothill Street, Minster in Thanet, Kent - Trench 9 (Ref: TOT17) (EKE22777)
  • Event Boundary: Archaeological evaluation on land at Tothill Street, Minster in Thanet, Kent (Ref: TOT17) (EKE22768)
  • Non-Intrusive Event: Historic England Thanet Landscape - Aerial Investigation Mapping (EKE23827)

Record last edited

Dec 19 2024 3:35PM