It should not be assumed that this site is publicly accessible and it may be on private property. Do not trespass.
Monument record TQ 87 NW 1205 - The cropmark traces of a 165m length of possible later prehistoric trackway mapped from aerial photographs
The cropmark traces of a 165m length of possible later prehistoric trackway mapped from aerial photographs as part of the English Heritage: Hoo Peninsula Landscape Project. The track is aligned north-south and is defined by two parallel ditches between 7m and 8m apart. It cannot be traced beyond the northern boundary of the mondern field into the adjacent field. The soutern end has been destroyed by a later quarry within the field which has been filled in, but still appears as a large depression 80m x 85m. South of the quarry are the cropmark traces of a possible Iron Age/Roman settlement (NMR Monument Number:1537526) which may be contemporary with the track. The ditches of the track if projected would join up with a ditch which marks the western side of the settlement. Kent County Council aerial photographs taken in 1990 show traces of two further ditches the north of the trackway which appear to be aligned on the projected course of the trackway ditches which dieverge at their northern ends.
Grid reference | Centred TQ 8333 7818 (74m by 184m) |
Map sheet | TQ87NW |
County | KENT |
Unitary Authority | MEDWAY |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
<1> National Monuments Record, 1966, NMR OS/66132 034 04-JUN-1966 (Photograph). SKE57279.
<2> National Monuments Record, 2011, NMR 26700/009 08-MAR-2011 (Photograph). SKE55875.
<3> Kent County Council, 1990, KCC/2960/Line 2/275 14-JUL-1990 (Photograph). SKE57277.
<4> Historic England, Archive material (Archive). SKE57278.
Sources/Archives (4)
- <1> SKE57279 Photograph: National Monuments Record. 1966. NMR OS/66132 034 04-JUN-1966. NMR OS/66132 034 04-JUN-1966.
- <2> SKE55875 Photograph: National Monuments Record. 2011. NMR 26700/009 08-MAR-2011. NMR 26700/009 08-MAR-2011.
- <3> SKE57277 Photograph: Kent County Council. 1990. KCC/2960/Line 2/275 14-JUL-1990. KCC/2960/Line 2/275 14-JUL-1990.
- <4> SKE57278 Archive: Historic England. Archive material.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (1)
- Non-Intrusive Event: English Heritage: Hoo Peninsula Landscape Project NMP (EKE20812)
Record last edited
Nov 14 2024 2:04PM