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Maritime record TR 34 SW 467 - The 'Dover boat', a Bronze Age boat, Dover.
Discovered in 1992 when a new 6 metre-deep underpass was being built in Dover, the Dover Boat is one of the most complete prehistoric vessels discovered in Britain. In use around 3600 years ago, it is thought to have been capable of cross-Channel voyages as well as plying along the coast of England. The boat consists of 6 oak timbers, lashed together with yew wood. Moss was pushed into the joints. The two central planks were joined with wedges, a central rail and a series of cleats. Its surviving length is 9.5 m and it is c. 2.5 m wide although its complete extent is unknown as part is still buried. The upper planks and part of the end had been removed in the Bronze Age. The boat is thought to have required as many as 18 people to paddle. It could have held a large cargo and is therefore thought to be capable of sea-travel. It was originally preserved because it was waterlogged and covered in a layer of silt. It has been conserved by replacing the moisture with a wax substance known as PEG. It is now housed in an award-winning gallery about the Bronze Age, within Dover Museum. (location accurate to the nearest 1m based on available information)
Grid reference | Centred TR 3201 4126 (8m by 6m) Accurate in Source |
Map sheet | TR34SW |
County | KENT |
District | DOVER, KENT |
Civil Parish | DOVER, DOVER, KENT |
Type and Period (2)
Full Description
<1> CAT Annual Report, 1992-3. (OS Card Reference). SKE38715.
<1> Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 1993, Canterbury's Archaeology 1992 - 1993, CAT Annual Report, 1992-3. (Article in serial). SKE7909.
<2> English Heritage, 2004, The Dover Bronze Age Boat (Monograph). SKE31841.
<3> Centre for Archaeology, 2001, Tree-Ring Analysis of Timbers from Town Wall Street, Dover (Unpublished document). SKE12169.
<4> Malcolm King, 1993, Kent Archaeological Review: Bronze Age Boat found at Dover. Vol. 111 (Article in serial). SKE31871.
<5> Maritime Archaeology, 2008, Dover Terminal 2 EIA: Historic Environment Baseline Report Volume 1 (Unpublished document). SKE31717.
Sources/Archives (6)
- <1> SKE38715 OS Card Reference: CAT Annual Report, 1992-3..
- <1> SKE7909 Article in serial: Canterbury Archaeological Trust. 1993. Canterbury's Archaeology 1992 - 1993. CAT Annual Report, 1992-3..
- <2> SKE31841 Monograph: English Heritage. 2004. The Dover Bronze Age Boat.
- <3> SKE12169 Unpublished document: Centre for Archaeology. 2001. Tree-Ring Analysis of Timbers from Town Wall Street, Dover.
- <4> SKE31871 Article in serial: Malcolm King. 1993. Kent Archaeological Review: Bronze Age Boat found at Dover. Vol. 111. Vol 111. pp. 21-22.
- <5> SKE31717 Unpublished document: Maritime Archaeology. 2008. Dover Terminal 2 EIA: Historic Environment Baseline Report Volume 1.
Finds (5)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (4)
- Event Boundary: The Dover Sewers/A20 Project, 1991-1992, Programme of Investigation (EKE15202)
- Intrusive Event: The Dover Sewers/A20 Project, 1991-1992, Programme of Investigation: Townwall Street (EKE15217)
- Intrusive Event: Tree-Ring Analysis of Timbers From Townwall Street, Dover (Ref: 63/2001) (EKE8489)
- Intrusive Event: Watching brief on the Bench Street-Townwall Street underpass, Dover, Bronze Age Boat and Roman harbour wall (EKE15293)
Related Thematic Articles (2)
Record last edited
Mar 20 2018 4:41PM