Monument record TQ 94 NW 47 - Field system at Brett's Sand Pit, Charing


Elements of a field system were found during a watching brief on land subject to sand extraction. The linear features that were revealed appeared similar to those found on an adjacent site in 1995. Dating evidence was poor and it is uncertain whether these ditches are part of an late Iron Age/early Romano-British or medieval field system. A group of circular bowl-shaped depressions were also excavated which were found to contain quantities of charcoal and burnt clay. Other than one fragment of late Iron Age/early Roman pottery, no datable evidence was found. Features such as these found on other sites in the south east have been identified as either hearths or small furnaces.


Grid reference TQ 9360 4930 (point)
Map sheet TQ94NW
County KENT


Type and Period (4)

Full Description

<1> Archaeology South-East, 1999, Post-Excavation Assessment of Brett's Charing Sand Pit, Tile Lodge Farm, Charing, Kent. (Unpublished document). SKE7324.

<2> Archaeology South-East, 2014, Final Archaeological report. Charing Quarry, Hook Lane, Charing, Kent (Unpublished document). SKE31253.

Sources/Archives (2)

  • <1> Unpublished document: Archaeology South-East. 1999. Post-Excavation Assessment of Brett's Charing Sand Pit, Tile Lodge Farm, Charing, Kent..
  • <2> Unpublished document: Archaeology South-East. 2014. Final Archaeological report. Charing Quarry, Hook Lane, Charing, Kent.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (2)

  • Intrusive Event: Brett's Charing Sand Pit watching brief, 1999 (Ref: 806) (EKE5402)
  • Intrusive Event: Watching briefs at Charing Quarry, Hook Lane, Charing, 1997-2013 (Ref: 2013189) (EKE14695)

Record last edited

Jun 21 2024 11:27AM