It should not be assumed that this site is publicly accessible and it may be on private property. Do not trespass.
Monument record TR 15 NE 427 - Early Medieval Activity at 24a Old Dover Road
During evaluation work prior to development features from the Roman period through to the medieval period wwere discovered. Early medieval features from the 6th/7th century were previously unknown from this are. Finds recovered comprised mainly of bone, pottery and shell fragments suggesting that the features, pits, were used as rubbish pits although this may not have been their original function. Pieces of slag were recovered from a number of features with one having a concerntration of daub, charcoal, burnt clay and slag. It suggests that industrial activity was taking place nearby. From the pottery assemblage, two near complete globular jars or cooking pots were found of Canterbury sandy ware and one fragment of rare Frankish ware.
Grid reference | TR 15106 57330 (point) Estimated from sources |
Map sheet | TR15NE |
Type and Period (2)
Full Description
<1> Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 1996, An archaeological evaluation of the site at 24a, Old Dover Road, Canterbury (Unpublished document). SKE8314.
Sources/Archives (1)
- <1> SKE8314 Unpublished document: Canterbury Archaeological Trust. 1996. An archaeological evaluation of the site at 24a, Old Dover Road, Canterbury.
Finds (5)
- ANIMAL REMAINS (Early Medieval or Anglo-Saxon - 500 AD? to 950 AD?)
- SLAG (Early Medieval or Anglo-Saxon - 500 AD? to 950 AD?)
- JAR (Early Medieval or Anglo-Saxon - 775 AD? to 875 AD?)
- POTTERY ASSEMBLAGE (Early Medieval or Anglo-Saxon - 775 AD? to 950 AD?)
- OYSTER SHELL (Early Medieval or Anglo-Saxon - 500 AD? to 950 AD?)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (1)
- Intrusive Event: Evaluation of the Site at 24a Old Dover Road, Canterbury, 1996 (EKE6038)
Record last edited
Oct 16 2002 11:41AM