Monument record TQ 67 SW 309 - Two Bell Barrows with cremation, Springhead


Two overlapping mid Bronze Age bell barrows. The earliest had been partly eroded away and the central burial cut by a later Roman Road. The later barrow, only partly within the excavtion area was associated with a hearth, a possible boiling pit and a burnt mound. Location accurate to 2m based on available information


Grid reference Centred TQ 6179 7258 (27m by 40m)
Map sheet TQ67SW
County KENT


Type and Period (4)

Full Description

Wenban-Smith FF, et al.,, 2012, Prehistoric Ebbsfleet: Excavations and Research in Advance of High Speed 1 and STDR 4. (Monograph). SKE32262.

<1> Wessex Archaeology, 2003, Channel Tunnel Rail Link Archaeological works at Springhead Roman Town (ARC SPH00): interim fieldwork report (Unpublished document). SKE31600.

Sources/Archives (2)

  • --- Monograph: Wenban-Smith FF, et al.,. 2012. Prehistoric Ebbsfleet: Excavations and Research in Advance of High Speed 1 and STDR 4..
  • <1> Unpublished document: Wessex Archaeology. 2003. Channel Tunnel Rail Link Archaeological works at Springhead Roman Town (ARC SPH00): interim fieldwork report.

Finds (3)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (3)

Related Events/Activities (2)

  • Event Boundary: Strip, map and sample, excavation work and watching brief at Springhead Roman Town, carried out during CTRL works (Ref: ARC SPH00) (EKE8575)
  • Intrusive Event: Watching Brief at Springhead Roman Town, carried out during CTRL works (Ref: ARC SPH00) (EKE8576)

Record last edited

Feb 5 2020 12:53PM