Monument record TR 36 SW 130 - Possible Bronze Age features, Cliffsend, Ramsgate
Grid reference | Centred TR 34954 64393 (10m by 13m) (4 map features) |
Map sheet | TR36SW |
County | KENT |
District | THANET, KENT |
Type and Period (2)
Full Description
An archaeological evaluation at Cliffsend, Ramsgate, encountered four archaeological features indicating settlement in the prehistoric period, dating from the Neolithic to Early Bronze Age. The artefacts included pieces of worked flint and pottery. The worked flint has little diagnostic indicators of date or function. The pottery found in two of the four features can be dated from the Bronze Age to the Iron Age. The features are too shallow to be attributed to any settlement or functional interpretation. All of the features have been eroded and the fills contained within their cut edges were indistinguishable from the hillwash deposit that sealed them. The cut features may indicate the presence of settlement features which could relate to the combined quarry working and funerary deposits encountered at the nearby Cliffsend Meadows Development. (1)
A watching brief on the site confirmed the presence of a ditch with pottery of Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age date, c.900-600 BC. This was sealed by colluvium which in turn was cut by four features, one of which contained pottery of Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age date. (2)
<1> Trust for Thanet Archaeology, 2007, Land Adjacent to 19 Mount Green Avenue Cliffsend Ramsgate Archaeological Evaluation Report (Unpublished document). SKE13042.
<2> Trust for Thanet Archaeology, 2007, Land Adjacent to 19 Mount Green Avenue, Cliffsend, Ramsgate: Archaeological Watching Brief Report (Unpublished document). SKE17746.
Sources/Archives (2)
- <1>XY SKE13042 Unpublished document: Trust for Thanet Archaeology. 2007. Land Adjacent to 19 Mount Green Avenue Cliffsend Ramsgate Archaeological Evaluation Report. [Mapped feature: #124482 Bronze Age features, ]
- <2> SKE17746 Unpublished document: Trust for Thanet Archaeology. 2007. Land Adjacent to 19 Mount Green Avenue, Cliffsend, Ramsgate: Archaeological Watching Brief Report.
Finds (2)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (4)
- Event Boundary: Evaluation of land adjacent to 19 Mount Green Avenue, Cliffsend, Ramsgate (Ref: MCR 07) (EKE23110)
- Intrusive Event: Evaluation of land adjacent to 19 Mount Green Avenue, Cliffsend, Ramsgate, 2007 (Ref: MCR 07) (EKE9356)
- Intrusive Event: Watching brief on land adjacent to 19 Mount Green Avenue, Cliffsend (EKE23299)
- Event Boundary: Watching brief on land adjacent to 19 Mount Green Avenue, Cliffsend, 2007 (EKE12141)
Record last edited
May 8 2024 10:21PM