Place record TQ 76 NW 10 - Saxon town of Rochester
Grid reference | TQ 743 683 (point) FCE |
Map sheet | TQ76NW |
County | KENT |
Unitary Authority | MEDWAY |
Type and Period (3)
Full Description
<1> Arch Cant 21 1895 1-72 plan (G Payne) (GN Livett) (OS Card Reference). SKE34823.
<2> VCH Kent 3 1932 81 plan (OS Card Reference). SKE51136.
<3> Arch Cant 76 1961 Lxxiv (AC Harrison) (OS Card Reference). SKE35606.
<4> Arch Cant 77 1962 xlix (OS Card Reference). SKE35623.
<5> Arch Cant 78 1963 liv (OS Card Reference). SKE35650.
<6> Arch J 109 1953 104 (OS Card Reference). SKE36528.
<7> Hist of The Kings Works II 1963 808 811 (MOW) (OS Card Reference). SKE44046.
<8> F1 ASP 03.01.65 (OS Card Reference). SKE41900.
<9> Arch Cant 83 1968 55-104 (AC Harrison & C Flight) (OS Card Reference). SKE35778.
<10> DOE (HHR) City of Rochester 1969 3 (OS Card Reference). SKE40161.
<11> Lower Med Arch Res Grp Newsletter 37 1965 1 (AC Harrison) (OS Card Reference). SKE46183.
<12> Arch Cant 79 1964 LVIII-LIX (AC Harrison) (OS Card Reference). SKE35676.
<13> Arch Cant 87 1972 121-157 (AC Harrison) (OS Card Reference). SKE35880.
<14> MOW Excavs 1969 30 (AC Harrison) (OS Card Reference). SKE47351.
<15> Med Arch 14 1970 182-3 (DM Wilson and DG Hurst) (OS Card Reference). SKE46730.
<16> Arch Ang Sax Eng 1976 106 (DM Wilson) (OS Card Reference). SKE34475.
<17> Ang Sax Towns in S Eng 1984 12-16 figs (J Haslam) (OS Card Reference). SKE33071.
<18> Arch Cant 92 1976 253 (AC Harrison) (OS Card Reference). SKE36104.
<19> Arch Cant 85 1970 96-98 191 (AC Harrison) (OS Card Reference). SKE35831.
<20> Arch Cant 97 1981 95-136 (AC Harrison) (OS Card Reference). SKE36302.
<21> CBA Res Rep 14 The Plans and Topography of Md towns in Eng and Wales 1976 2 6 57 59 plan 66 (MW Barl (OS Card Reference). SKE38790.
<22> Arch Cant 91 1975 211-12 (AC Harrison) (OS Card Reference). SKE36057.
<23> DOE(HHR)City of Rochester upon Medway, Kent. 2 (2.12.91) (OS Card Reference). SKE41291.
<24> M.W. Beresford and H.P.R. Finberg, 1973, English medieval boroughs : a hand-list, Page Nos. 130 (Bibliographic reference). SKE6331.
<25> Not applicable, SMR Kent uncatalogued index entry, Rochester City Wall: photographic and drawn survey, vol. 1 description, CAT, 1993. (Miscellaneous Material). SKE6440.
<26> Not applicable, SMR Kent uncatalogued index entry, Rochester City Wall: photographic and drawn survey, vol. 2 photographic register, CAT, 1993. (Miscellaneous Material). SKE6440.
<27> Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 1995, City Walls Rochester: Rectified Photography (Reduced Copies) November 1995 (Unpublished document). SKE7005.
Sources/Archives (29)
- --- SKE1389 Photograph: ESPLANADE PORTION SHOWING ROMAN CORE WITH NORMAN AND 13TH C. OS51/F43/4. Black and White. Negative.
- --- SKE1389 Photograph: ESPLANADE PORTION SHOWING ROMAN CORE WITH NORMAN AND 13TH C. OS51/F43/4. Black and White. Negative.
- <1> SKE34823 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 21 1895 1-72 plan (G Payne) (GN Livett).
- <2> SKE51136 OS Card Reference: VCH Kent 3 1932 81 plan.
- <3> SKE35606 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 76 1961 Lxxiv (AC Harrison).
- <4> SKE35623 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 77 1962 xlix.
- <5> SKE35650 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 78 1963 liv.
- <6> SKE36528 OS Card Reference: Arch J 109 1953 104.
- <7> SKE44046 OS Card Reference: Hist of The Kings Works II 1963 808 811 (MOW).
- <8> SKE41900 OS Card Reference: F1 ASP 03.01.65.
- <9> SKE35778 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 83 1968 55-104 (AC Harrison & C Flight).
- <10> SKE40161 OS Card Reference: DOE (HHR) City of Rochester 1969 3.
- <11> SKE46183 OS Card Reference: Lower Med Arch Res Grp Newsletter 37 1965 1 (AC Harrison).
- <12> SKE35676 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 79 1964 LVIII-LIX (AC Harrison).
- <13> SKE35880 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 87 1972 121-157 (AC Harrison).
- <14> SKE47351 OS Card Reference: MOW Excavs 1969 30 (AC Harrison).
- <15> SKE46730 OS Card Reference: Med Arch 14 1970 182-3 (DM Wilson and DG Hurst).
- <16>XY SKE34475 OS Card Reference: Arch Ang Sax Eng 1976 106 (DM Wilson). [Mapped feature: #22403 Saxon town, ]
- <17> SKE33071 OS Card Reference: Ang Sax Towns in S Eng 1984 12-16 figs (J Haslam).
- <18> SKE36104 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 92 1976 253 (AC Harrison).
- <19> SKE35831 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 85 1970 96-98 191 (AC Harrison).
- <20> SKE36302 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 97 1981 95-136 (AC Harrison).
- <21> SKE38790 OS Card Reference: CBA Res Rep 14 The Plans and Topography of Md towns in Eng and Wales 1976 2 6 57 59 plan 66 (MW Barl.
- <22> SKE36057 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 91 1975 211-12 (AC Harrison).
- <23> SKE41291 OS Card Reference: DOE(HHR)City of Rochester upon Medway, Kent. 2 (2.12.91).
- <24> SKE6331 Bibliographic reference: M.W. Beresford and H.P.R. Finberg. 1973. English medieval boroughs : a hand-list. Page Nos. 130.
- <25> SKE6440 Miscellaneous Material: Not applicable. SMR Kent uncatalogued index entry. Rochester City Wall: photographic and drawn survey, vol. 1 description, CAT, 1993..
- <26> SKE6440 Miscellaneous Material: Not applicable. SMR Kent uncatalogued index entry. Rochester City Wall: photographic and drawn survey, vol. 2 photographic register, CAT, 1993..
- <27> SKE7005 Unpublished document: Canterbury Archaeological Trust. 1995. City Walls Rochester: Rectified Photography (Reduced Copies) November 1995.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
Related Monuments/Buildings (8)
- Parent of: Boley Hill, probable site of William I's Motte and Bailey Castle in Rochester (Monument) (TQ 76 NW 95)
- Parent of: BRIDGE CHAMBERS (Listed Building) (TQ 76 NW 94)
- Parent of: MILTON COTTAGE (Listed Building) (TQ 76 NW 487)
- Parent of: PARISH CHURCH OF ST NICHOLAS (Listed Building) (TQ 76 NW 612)
- Parent of: ROCHESTER CASTLE (Listed Building) (TQ 76 NW 589)
- Parent of: Rochester Cathedral (Listed Building) (TQ 76 NW 505)
- Parent of: Site of a medieval bridge, Rochester (Monument) (TQ 76 NW 99)
Related Events/Activities (18)
- Intrusive Event: 108-122 HIGH STREET(EAST GATE) (Ref: EI 15221) (EKE4138)
- Intrusive Event: An watching brief at King's School, Rochester (Ref: KSR 09) (EKE10247)
- Intrusive Event: BOLEY HILL (Ref: EI 15210) (EKE4129)
- Intrusive Event: Desk based assessment of evaluation trenching at Northgate, Rochester. (EKE10218)
- Intrusive Event: Evaluation at 18 City Way, Rochester, Medway (Ref: CWR-EV-10) (EKE11118)
- Intrusive Event: Evaluation of the Roman City Wall in The Old Deanery Garden, Rochester (Ref: RCODG 10 EV) (EKE12972)
- Intrusive Event: FRIENDS' MEETING HOUSE,NORTHGATE (Ref: EI 36282) (EKE4536)
- Intrusive Event: KING'S SCHOOL ASSEMBLY HALL (Ref: EI 36273) (EKE4528)
- Intrusive Event: MATHEMATICAL SCHOOL,HIGH STREET (E.GATE) (Ref: EI 16762) (EKE4401)
- Intrusive Event: MATHEMATICAL SCHOOL,HIGH STREET(E.GATE) (Ref: EI 15222) (EKE4139)
- Intrusive Event: NORTHGATE (A) & 7-9 NORTHGATE (B) (Ref: EI 15233) (EKE4149)
- Intrusive Event: NORTHGATE A & 7-9 NORTHGATE(B) (Ref: EI 15234) (EKE4150)
- Intrusive Event: NORTHGATE A & 7-9 NORTHGATE(B) (Ref: EI 15235) (EKE4742)
- Non-Intrusive Event: Rectified photography of Rochester City walls (EKE5163)
- Intrusive Event: ROCHESTER CASTLE,GEORGE LANE (Ref: EI 15232) (EKE4148)
- Intrusive Event: Watching brief at 16 Crow Lane, Rochester (Ref: CLR/WB-09) (EKE11240)
- Intrusive Event: Watching Brief at the French Hospital, Rochester 2000 (EKE5614)
- Intrusive Event: Watching brief at Vines Garage, Crow Lane, Rochester (EKE5262)
Record last edited
Jul 23 2021 1:56PM