Place record TQ 76 NW 10 - Saxon town of Rochester


The city walls were mainly built in the 13th and 14th century, though they incorporate some remains of the Roman walls. There are four surviving stretches of the wall above ground. Scheduled.


Grid reference TQ 743 683 (point) FCE
Map sheet TQ76NW
County KENT
Unitary Authority MEDWAY


Type and Period (3)

Full Description



<1> Arch Cant 21 1895 1-72 plan (G Payne) (GN Livett) (OS Card Reference). SKE34823.

<2> VCH Kent 3 1932 81 plan (OS Card Reference). SKE51136.

<3> Arch Cant 76 1961 Lxxiv (AC Harrison) (OS Card Reference). SKE35606.

<4> Arch Cant 77 1962 xlix (OS Card Reference). SKE35623.

<5> Arch Cant 78 1963 liv (OS Card Reference). SKE35650.

<6> Arch J 109 1953 104 (OS Card Reference). SKE36528.

<7> Hist of The Kings Works II 1963 808 811 (MOW) (OS Card Reference). SKE44046.

<8> F1 ASP 03.01.65 (OS Card Reference). SKE41900.

<9> Arch Cant 83 1968 55-104 (AC Harrison & C Flight) (OS Card Reference). SKE35778.

<10> DOE (HHR) City of Rochester 1969 3 (OS Card Reference). SKE40161.

<11> Lower Med Arch Res Grp Newsletter 37 1965 1 (AC Harrison) (OS Card Reference). SKE46183.

<12> Arch Cant 79 1964 LVIII-LIX (AC Harrison) (OS Card Reference). SKE35676.

<13> Arch Cant 87 1972 121-157 (AC Harrison) (OS Card Reference). SKE35880.

<14> MOW Excavs 1969 30 (AC Harrison) (OS Card Reference). SKE47351.

<15> Med Arch 14 1970 182-3 (DM Wilson and DG Hurst) (OS Card Reference). SKE46730.

<16> Arch Ang Sax Eng 1976 106 (DM Wilson) (OS Card Reference). SKE34475.

<17> Ang Sax Towns in S Eng 1984 12-16 figs (J Haslam) (OS Card Reference). SKE33071.

<18> Arch Cant 92 1976 253 (AC Harrison) (OS Card Reference). SKE36104.

<19> Arch Cant 85 1970 96-98 191 (AC Harrison) (OS Card Reference). SKE35831.

<20> Arch Cant 97 1981 95-136 (AC Harrison) (OS Card Reference). SKE36302.

<21> CBA Res Rep 14 The Plans and Topography of Md towns in Eng and Wales 1976 2 6 57 59 plan 66 (MW Barl (OS Card Reference). SKE38790.

<22> Arch Cant 91 1975 211-12 (AC Harrison) (OS Card Reference). SKE36057.

<23> DOE(HHR)City of Rochester upon Medway, Kent. 2 (2.12.91) (OS Card Reference). SKE41291.

<24> M.W. Beresford and H.P.R. Finberg, 1973, English medieval boroughs : a hand-list, Page Nos. 130 (Bibliographic reference). SKE6331.

<25> Not applicable, SMR Kent uncatalogued index entry, Rochester City Wall: photographic and drawn survey, vol. 1 description, CAT, 1993. (Miscellaneous Material). SKE6440.

<26> Not applicable, SMR Kent uncatalogued index entry, Rochester City Wall: photographic and drawn survey, vol. 2 photographic register, CAT, 1993. (Miscellaneous Material). SKE6440.

<27> Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 1995, City Walls Rochester: Rectified Photography (Reduced Copies) November 1995 (Unpublished document). SKE7005.

Sources/Archives (29)

  • --- Photograph: ESPLANADE PORTION SHOWING ROMAN CORE WITH NORMAN AND 13TH C. OS51/F43/4. Black and White. Negative.
  • --- Photograph: ESPLANADE PORTION SHOWING ROMAN CORE WITH NORMAN AND 13TH C. OS51/F43/4. Black and White. Negative.
  • <1> OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 21 1895 1-72 plan (G Payne) (GN Livett).
  • <2> OS Card Reference: VCH Kent 3 1932 81 plan.
  • <3> OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 76 1961 Lxxiv (AC Harrison).
  • <4> OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 77 1962 xlix.
  • <5> OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 78 1963 liv.
  • <6> OS Card Reference: Arch J 109 1953 104.
  • <7> OS Card Reference: Hist of The Kings Works II 1963 808 811 (MOW).
  • <8> OS Card Reference: F1 ASP 03.01.65.
  • <9> OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 83 1968 55-104 (AC Harrison & C Flight).
  • <10> OS Card Reference: DOE (HHR) City of Rochester 1969 3.
  • <11> OS Card Reference: Lower Med Arch Res Grp Newsletter 37 1965 1 (AC Harrison).
  • <12> OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 79 1964 LVIII-LIX (AC Harrison).
  • <13> OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 87 1972 121-157 (AC Harrison).
  • <14> OS Card Reference: MOW Excavs 1969 30 (AC Harrison).
  • <15> OS Card Reference: Med Arch 14 1970 182-3 (DM Wilson and DG Hurst).
  • <16>XY OS Card Reference: Arch Ang Sax Eng 1976 106 (DM Wilson). [Mapped feature: #22403 Saxon town, ]
  • <17> OS Card Reference: Ang Sax Towns in S Eng 1984 12-16 figs (J Haslam).
  • <18> OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 92 1976 253 (AC Harrison).
  • <19> OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 85 1970 96-98 191 (AC Harrison).
  • <20> OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 97 1981 95-136 (AC Harrison).
  • <21> OS Card Reference: CBA Res Rep 14 The Plans and Topography of Md towns in Eng and Wales 1976 2 6 57 59 plan 66 (MW Barl.
  • <22> OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 91 1975 211-12 (AC Harrison).
  • <23> OS Card Reference: DOE(HHR)City of Rochester upon Medway, Kent. 2 (2.12.91).
  • <24> Bibliographic reference: M.W. Beresford and H.P.R. Finberg. 1973. English medieval boroughs : a hand-list. Page Nos. 130.
  • <25> Miscellaneous Material: Not applicable. SMR Kent uncatalogued index entry. Rochester City Wall: photographic and drawn survey, vol. 1 description, CAT, 1993..
  • <26> Miscellaneous Material: Not applicable. SMR Kent uncatalogued index entry. Rochester City Wall: photographic and drawn survey, vol. 2 photographic register, CAT, 1993..
  • <27> Unpublished document: Canterbury Archaeological Trust. 1995. City Walls Rochester: Rectified Photography (Reduced Copies) November 1995.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

Related Monuments/Buildings (8)

Related Events/Activities (18)

  • Intrusive Event: 108-122 HIGH STREET(EAST GATE) (Ref: EI 15221) (EKE4138)
  • Intrusive Event: An watching brief at King's School, Rochester (Ref: KSR 09) (EKE10247)
  • Intrusive Event: BOLEY HILL (Ref: EI 15210) (EKE4129)
  • Intrusive Event: Desk based assessment of evaluation trenching at Northgate, Rochester. (EKE10218)
  • Intrusive Event: Evaluation at 18 City Way, Rochester, Medway (Ref: CWR-EV-10) (EKE11118)
  • Intrusive Event: Evaluation of the Roman City Wall in The Old Deanery Garden, Rochester (Ref: RCODG 10 EV) (EKE12972)
  • Intrusive Event: FRIENDS' MEETING HOUSE,NORTHGATE (Ref: EI 36282) (EKE4536)
  • Intrusive Event: KING'S SCHOOL ASSEMBLY HALL (Ref: EI 36273) (EKE4528)
  • Intrusive Event: MATHEMATICAL SCHOOL,HIGH STREET (E.GATE) (Ref: EI 16762) (EKE4401)
  • Intrusive Event: MATHEMATICAL SCHOOL,HIGH STREET(E.GATE) (Ref: EI 15222) (EKE4139)
  • Intrusive Event: NORTHGATE (A) & 7-9 NORTHGATE (B) (Ref: EI 15233) (EKE4149)
  • Intrusive Event: NORTHGATE A & 7-9 NORTHGATE(B) (Ref: EI 15234) (EKE4150)
  • Intrusive Event: NORTHGATE A & 7-9 NORTHGATE(B) (Ref: EI 15235) (EKE4742)
  • Non-Intrusive Event: Rectified photography of Rochester City walls (EKE5163)
  • Intrusive Event: ROCHESTER CASTLE,GEORGE LANE (Ref: EI 15232) (EKE4148)
  • Intrusive Event: Watching brief at 16 Crow Lane, Rochester (Ref: CLR/WB-09) (EKE11240)
  • Intrusive Event: Watching Brief at the French Hospital, Rochester 2000 (EKE5614)
  • Intrusive Event: Watching brief at Vines Garage, Crow Lane, Rochester (EKE5262)

Record last edited

Jul 23 2021 1:56PM