Listed Building record TQ 76 NW 589 - ROCHESTER CASTLE


Grade I listed building. Main construction periods 1087 to 1999. One of the great Norman castles of England, controlling the bridge crossing of the Medway on the route from London to Canterbury and Dover. The earliest castle was built soon after the Norman conquest and is mentioned in the Domesday Book. This was rebuilt for William Rufus by Gundulf, Bishop of Rochester between 1087 and 1089. The great tower or donjon was begun in about 1127. The castle was carefully maintained by the King especially in 1172-73 and again in 1206 when a large sum was spent on its ditches, bridge, tower and other buildings. In 1223, repairs were carried out making good the damage done by a siege in 1215. There was another siege in 1264 and damage to the castle was considerable. A survey of 1340 shows the considerable extent of the damage. A new building campaign was undertaken between 1367 and 1383. This was the last major period of repair. In the early 17th century the castle passed out of royal hands and in the late 19th century it was acquired by the Corporation of Rochester.


Grid reference Centred TQ 74151 68608 (161m by 224m) (2 map features)
Map sheet TQ76NW
County KENT
Unitary Authority MEDWAY


Type and Period (2)

Full Description

<01> OS 25" 1938 (OS Card Reference). SKE48265.

<02> Hist of Fortification 1955 82 162 (S Toy) (OS Card Reference). SKE43923.

<03> Castles of Gt Brit 1953 81-2 (S Toy) (OS Card Reference). SKE38641.

<04> Arch Cant 21 1895 21-3 plan scale c1:1250 (GM Livett) (OS Card Reference). SKE34824.

<05> AM England and Wales 1961 59 (MOW) (OS Card Reference). SKE33023.

<06> F1 ASP 03-JAN-65 (OS Card Reference). SKE41905.

<07> Eng Heritage Booklet 1987 plans photos (G Port) (OS Card Reference). SKE41587.

<08> DOE (HHR) City of Rochester 1969 3 (OS Card Reference). SKE40161.

<09> Hist King's Works 2 1963 806-814 (HM Colvin) (OS Card Reference). SKE43902.

<10> Town Defences in Eng and Wales 1971 158-59 (HL Turner) (OS Card Reference). SKE50608.

<11> Arch J 83 1926 314-315 (OS Card Reference). SKE36693.

<12> The English Castle 1936 15 40-2 45-6 72 99 (H Brown) (OS Card Reference). SKE50342.

<13> Arch J 32 1875 204-228 (GT Clark) (OS Card Reference). SKE36609.

<14> Med Militery Arch in Eng 1884 405-423 (GT Clark) (OS Card Reference). SKE46776.

<15> Arch J 20 1863 205-223 (CH Hartshornel) (OS Card Reference). SKE36592.

<16> Arch 4 1777 367-389 (E King) (OS Card Reference). SKE34404.

<17> Arch 6 1782 381-391 (S Denne) (OS Card Reference). SKE34437.

<18> Grose's Antiquities 2 1774 131-4 (OS Card Reference). SKE43638.

<19> Soc Antiq London occ paper NS II 1981 Timber and Iron Reinforcement in Early Buildings 15 17 33 34 ( (OS Card Reference). SKE49495.

<20> Bldgs of Eng West Kent and the Weald 1980 490-1 (J Newman) (OS Card Reference). SKE38083.

<21> JBAA 9 1854 215-230 (W Beattie) (OS Card Reference). SKE44997.

<22> Arch Cant 92 1976 253 (AC Harrison) (OS Card Reference). SKE36104.

<23> Flight, C & Harrison, A. C., 1978, Rochester Castle 1976, Arch Cant article, Vol XCIV page 27 - 60 (Article in serial). SKE7030.

<24> Antiq and Topo Cabinet 4 1808 (J Storer) (OS Card Reference). SKE33245.

<25> Castles and Abbeys of Eng 1 1844 133-168 (W Beattie) (OS Card Reference). SKE38623.

<26> Early Norman Castles 1912 195-201 (ES Armitage) (OS Card Reference). SKE41568.

<27> Cantium Winter 1972-73 78-85 (JN Guy) (OS Card Reference). SKE38584.

<28> DOE(HHR)City of Rochester upon Medway, Kent. 1 (2.12.91) (OS Card Reference). SKE41285.

<29> "PHOTOGRAPHS" (Collection). SKE6552.

<30> Untitled Source, Watching brief and excavation report. Unpublished CAT 1998. (Unpublished document). SKE6451.

<31> Arnold, A. A., 1889, Medieval remains at Rochester, 1889 vol XVIII p196-201 (Article in serial). SKE7034.

<32> Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 1995, Proposed Works to Curtain Wall, Rochester Castle (Unpublished document). SKE7029.

<33> Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 1995, Castle Wall Rochester Watching Brief (Unpublished document). SKE7093.

<34> Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 1997, An Archaeological Watching Brief at Rochester Castle, 1997. (Unpublished document). SKE7184.

<35> Geophysical Surveys of Bradford, 1997, Report on Geophysical Survey: Rochester Castle (Unpublished document). SWX6817.

<36> Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 2004, An archaeological watching brief and recording work at 24 High Street, Rochester (Unpublished document). SKE12427.

<37> Alan Ward, 2004, An Archaeological Watching Brief at 24 High Street, Rochester (Unpublished document). SKE12436.



<40> OBLIQUE PHOTOGRAPH Types: CASTLE (Photograph). SKE1318.

<41> CASTLE KEEP - TAKEN FROM NORTH. (Photograph). SKE1393.


<43> KEEP FROM SOUTH EAST. (Photograph). SKE1386.

<44> Payne, G., The reparation of Rochester Castle (Article in serial). SWX7418.

<45> Hartshorne, C. H., Rochester Castle, Archaeological Journal article (Article in serial). SWX7552.

<46> Port, G., 1987, Rochester Castle, Monograph 1987 (Monograph). SWX7226.

<47> Rye, W. B., Tombs of Sir William Arundel and others in Rochester Castle (Article in serial). SWX7362.

<48> Anon., Fabric roll of Rochester Castle (Article in serial). SWX7423.

<49> Field report for monument TQ 76 NW 93 (Rochester Castle) - December, 1964 (Bibliographic reference). SKE4128.

<50> Victor Smith and Andrew Saunders, 2001, Kent's Defence Heritage (Unpublished document). SKE6956.

<51> Keevill Heritage Consultancy, 2007, Rochester Castle, Medway, Kent: Report of an Archaeological Evaluation in Association with new Security Fencing around the Keep (Unpublished document). SKE15892.

<52> English Heritage, Register of Scheduled Monuments (Scheduling record). SKE16191.

<53> Keevill Heritage Consultancy, 2010, Rochester Castle, Medway, Kent: Report on an Archaeological Watching Brief on a Collapsed Section of the Curtain Wall (Unpublished document). SKE16855.

<54> Keevill Heritage Consultancy, 2010, Rochester Castle, Medway, Kent: Report of a Further Archaeological Watching Brief on a Collapsed Section of the Curtain Wall (Unpublished document). SKE16315.

<55> GSB Prospection, 2013, A GPR survey of the Grounds at Rochester Castle (Unpublished document). SKE25094.

<56> Historic England, Archive material associated with Rochester Castle, Scheduled Monument (Archive). SKE54048.

Sources/Archives (56)

  • <01> OS Card Reference: OS 25" 1938.
  • <02> OS Card Reference: Hist of Fortification 1955 82 162 (S Toy).
  • <03> OS Card Reference: Castles of Gt Brit 1953 81-2 (S Toy).
  • <04> OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 21 1895 21-3 plan scale c1:1250 (GM Livett).
  • <05> OS Card Reference: AM England and Wales 1961 59 (MOW).
  • <06> OS Card Reference: F1 ASP 03-JAN-65.
  • <07> OS Card Reference: Eng Heritage Booklet 1987 plans photos (G Port).
  • <08> OS Card Reference: DOE (HHR) City of Rochester 1969 3.
  • <09> OS Card Reference: Hist King's Works 2 1963 806-814 (HM Colvin).
  • <10> OS Card Reference: Town Defences in Eng and Wales 1971 158-59 (HL Turner).
  • <11> OS Card Reference: Arch J 83 1926 314-315.
  • <12> OS Card Reference: The English Castle 1936 15 40-2 45-6 72 99 (H Brown).
  • <13> OS Card Reference: Arch J 32 1875 204-228 (GT Clark).
  • <14> OS Card Reference: Med Militery Arch in Eng 1884 405-423 (GT Clark).
  • <15> OS Card Reference: Arch J 20 1863 205-223 (CH Hartshornel).
  • <16> OS Card Reference: Arch 4 1777 367-389 (E King).
  • <17> OS Card Reference: Arch 6 1782 381-391 (S Denne).
  • <18> OS Card Reference: Grose's Antiquities 2 1774 131-4.
  • <19> OS Card Reference: Soc Antiq London occ paper NS II 1981 Timber and Iron Reinforcement in Early Buildings 15 17 33 34 (.
  • <20> OS Card Reference: Bldgs of Eng West Kent and the Weald 1980 490-1 (J Newman).
  • <21> OS Card Reference: JBAA 9 1854 215-230 (W Beattie).
  • <22> OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 92 1976 253 (AC Harrison).
  • <23> Article in serial: Flight, C & Harrison, A. C.. 1978. Rochester Castle 1976, Arch Cant article. Vol XCIV page 27 - 60. Vol XCIV page 27 - 60.
  • <24> OS Card Reference: Antiq and Topo Cabinet 4 1808 (J Storer).
  • <25> OS Card Reference: Castles and Abbeys of Eng 1 1844 133-168 (W Beattie).
  • <26> OS Card Reference: Early Norman Castles 1912 195-201 (ES Armitage).
  • <27> OS Card Reference: Cantium Winter 1972-73 78-85 (JN Guy).
  • <28> OS Card Reference: DOE(HHR)City of Rochester upon Medway, Kent. 1 (2.12.91).
  • <29> Collection: "PHOTOGRAPHS".
  • <30> Unpublished document: Watching brief and excavation report. Unpublished CAT 1998..
  • <31> Article in serial: Arnold, A. A.. 1889. Medieval remains at Rochester. Vol XVIII pages 196 - 201. 1889 vol XVIII p196-201.
  • <32> Unpublished document: Canterbury Archaeological Trust. 1995. Proposed Works to Curtain Wall, Rochester Castle.
  • <33> Unpublished document: Canterbury Archaeological Trust. 1995. Castle Wall Rochester Watching Brief.
  • <34> Unpublished document: Canterbury Archaeological Trust. 1997. An Archaeological Watching Brief at Rochester Castle, 1997..
  • <35> Unpublished document: Geophysical Surveys of Bradford. 1997. Report on Geophysical Survey: Rochester Castle.
  • <36> Unpublished document: Canterbury Archaeological Trust. 2004. An archaeological watching brief and recording work at 24 High Street, Rochester.
  • <37> Unpublished document: Alan Ward. 2004. An Archaeological Watching Brief at 24 High Street, Rochester.
  • <38> Photograph: ROMAN WALL WITH MEDIEVAL AND LATER ADDITIONS.. OS51/F43/6. Black and White. Negative.
  • <39> Photograph: NORMAN TOWER TAKEN FROM ALMOST DUE SOUTH.. OS51/F43/7. Black and White. Negative.
  • <40> Photograph: OBLIQUE PHOTOGRAPH Types: CASTLE. 7468/0. Colour. Negative.
  • <41> Photograph: CASTLE KEEP - TAKEN FROM NORTH.. OS51/F43/8. Black and White. Negative.
  • <42> Photograph: ROMAN CORE WITH MEDIEVAL FACING.. OS51/F43/5. Black and White. Negative.
  • <43> Photograph: KEEP FROM SOUTH EAST.. OS51/F43/1. Black and White. Negative.
  • <44> Article in serial: Payne, G.. The reparation of Rochester Castle. 27, pages 177-192.
  • <45> Article in serial: Hartshorne, C. H.. Rochester Castle, Archaeological Journal article. 20, pages 205-223.
  • <46> Monograph: Port, G.. 1987. Rochester Castle, Monograph 1987.
  • <47> Article in serial: Rye, W. B.. Tombs of Sir William Arundel and others in Rochester Castle. 13, pages 141-145.
  • <48> Article in serial: Anon.. Fabric roll of Rochester Castle. 3, pages 111-132.
  • <49> Bibliographic reference: Field report for monument TQ 76 NW 93 (Rochester Castle) - December, 1964.
  • <50> Unpublished document: Victor Smith and Andrew Saunders. 2001. Kent's Defence Heritage.
  • <51> Unpublished document: Keevill Heritage Consultancy. 2007. Rochester Castle, Medway, Kent: Report of an Archaeological Evaluation in Association with new Security Fencing around the Keep.
  • <52>XY Scheduling record: English Heritage. Register of Scheduled Monuments. [Mapped feature: #473 Castle, ]
  • <53> Unpublished document: Keevill Heritage Consultancy. 2010. Rochester Castle, Medway, Kent: Report on an Archaeological Watching Brief on a Collapsed Section of the Curtain Wall.
  • <54> Unpublished document: Keevill Heritage Consultancy. 2010. Rochester Castle, Medway, Kent: Report of a Further Archaeological Watching Brief on a Collapsed Section of the Curtain Wall.
  • <55> Unpublished document: GSB Prospection. 2013. A GPR survey of the Grounds at Rochester Castle.
  • <56> Archive: Historic England. Archive material associated with Rochester Castle, Scheduled Monument.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

Related Monuments/Buildings (3)

Related Events/Activities (14)

  • Intrusive Event: An archaeological evaluation in association with new security fencing around the keep, Rochester Castle (EKE10232)
  • Intrusive Event: Castle Wall, Rochester Watching Brief (Ref: CWR 95) (EKE5228)
  • Intrusive Event: CASTLE:CURTAIN WALL,EAST (Ref: EI 15217) (EKE4134)
  • Non-Intrusive Event: GPR survey of the grounds at Rochester Castle (EKE13100)
  • Intrusive Event: Rochester Castle, Keep Floodlights (Ref: B1219A) (EKE20866)
  • Intrusive Event: ROCHESTER CASTLE, watching brief (Ref: EI 36281) (EKE4535)
  • Non-Intrusive Event: Survey at Rochester Castle (Ref: 97/30) (EKE8395)
  • Intrusive Event: THE CASTLE (Ref: EI 15216) (EKE4133)
  • Intrusive Event: Watching brief and recording work at 24 High Street, Rochester (Ref: Archive no.1933) (EKE8746)
  • Intrusive Event: Watching Brief at 24 High Street, Rochester (Ref: HSR (24)) (EKE8756)
  • Intrusive Event: Watching Brief at Rochester Castle 1997 (EKE5303)
  • Intrusive Event: Watching brief on a collapsed section of the curtain wall at Rochester Castle. (Ref: MCRC 3) (EKE11112)
  • Intrusive Event: Watching brief on a collapsed section of the Curtain Wall Rochester Castle, Medway (Ref: MCRC 3) (EKE10607)
  • Intrusive Event: Watching brief on bench foundations at Rochester Castle (EKE11109)

Related Thematic Articles (4)

Record last edited

Jul 28 2021 6:45PM