Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE16855 - Rochester Castle, Medway, Kent: Report on an Archaeological Watching Brief on a Collapsed Section of the Curtain Wall
Title | Rochester Castle, Medway, Kent: Report on an Archaeological Watching Brief on a Collapsed Section of the Curtain Wall |
Author/Originator | Keevill Heritage Consultancy |
Date/Year | 2010 |
Report on a watching brief on a collapsed section of the curtain wall at Rochester Castle.
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Unpublished document
Kent County Council Heritage 2010/126
Referenced Monuments (1)
- TQ 76 NW 589 ROCHESTER CASTLE (Listed Building)
Referenced Events (1)
- EKE11112 Watching brief on a collapsed section of the curtain wall at Rochester Castle. (Ref: MCRC 3)
Record last edited
Nov 15 2011 12:21PM