Monument record TQ 54 NE 2 - TONBRIDGE CASTLE
Grid reference | Centred TQ 58945 46577 (207m by 147m) |
Map sheet | TQ54NE |
County | KENT |
Type and Period (2)
Full Description
Downman, Revd E A: Surveys c1900 (Collection). SKE6483.
Sidney simmons, 1996, Archaeologia Cantiana, Tonbridge Castle, Further observations on an ancient castle (Article in serial). SKE53676.
<1> OS 6" 1961 (OS Card Reference). SKE48369.
<2> VCH Kent 1 1908 424-5 plan (I C Gould) (OS Card Reference). SKE50890.
<3> Early Norman Castle 1912 220 plan (E S Armitage) (OS Card Reference). SKE41566.
<4> JBAA 3rd Series 5 1940 63-72 plan (W D Simpson) (OS Card Reference). SKE44955.
<5> Castle of BG 1953 58-9 243-4 plan (S Toy) (OS Card Reference). SKE38620.
<6> F1 ASP 28-JAN-63 (OS Card Reference). SKE42332.
<7> DOE (HHR) Dist of Tonbridge UD Kent Jan 1972 1 (OS Card Reference). SKE40418.
<8> The Buildings of England West Kent and the Weald 1980 570-1 illus (J Newman) (OS Card Reference). SKE50239.
<9> Norman Castles in Britain 1973 324 fig 69 (D F Renn) (OS Card Reference). SKE47674.
<10> Arch J 36 1879 378-9 (OS Card Reference). SKE36620.
<11> Arch 6 1782 269-290 plan (E King) (OS Card Reference). SKE34435.
<12> Arch J 62 1905 188 (OS Card Reference). SKE36668.
<13> Castellarium Anglicanum I 1983 235 (D J Cathcart King) (OS Card Reference). SKE38612.
<14> Arch Cant 16 1886 12-57 illus (J F Wadmore) (OS Card Reference). SKE34748.
<15> Hist of Kent 2 1778-99 322-32 (E Hasted) (OS Card Reference). SKE43944.
<16> Field report for monument TQ 54 NE 2 - January, 1963 (Bibliographic reference). SKE2714.
<17> W DOUGLAS-SIMPSON (Collection). SKE6488.
<17> Archaeology South-East, 2000, Report on an Archaeological Watching Brief Undertaken During Restoration Works Undertaken Between September 1999 and March 2000 at Tonbridge Castle Gatehouse, Tonbridge, Kent (Unpublished document). SKE7465.
<18> English Heritage SAMs 15-10-91 (OS Card Reference). SKE41628.
<19> Not applicable, SMR Kent uncatalogued index entry, Tonbridge Castle Moat watching brief, CAT. 1995. (Miscellaneous Material). SKE6440.
<20> Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 1999, Archaeological Watching Brief at Tonbridge Castle, Tonbridge, Kent (Unpublished document). SKE7389.
<21> Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 2002, An Archaeological Watching Brief at Tonbridge Castle (Unpublished document). SKE8015.
<22> Victor Smith and Andrew Saunders, 2001, Kent's Defence Heritage (Unpublished document). SKE6956.
<23> Alan Ward, 2013, An archaeological watching brief at Tonbridge Castle, Tonbridge, Kent (Unpublished document). SKE25082.
Sources/Archives (26)
- --- SKE53676 Article in serial: Sidney simmons. 1996. Archaeologia Cantiana, Tonbridge Castle, Further observations on an ancient castle. Vol 116 pp 101 146.
- --- SKE6483 Collection: Downman, Revd E A: Surveys c1900.
- <1> SKE48369 OS Card Reference: OS 6" 1961.
- <2> SKE50890 OS Card Reference: VCH Kent 1 1908 424-5 plan (I C Gould).
- <3> SKE41566 OS Card Reference: Early Norman Castle 1912 220 plan (E S Armitage).
- <4> SKE44955 OS Card Reference: JBAA 3rd Series 5 1940 63-72 plan (W D Simpson).
- <5> SKE38620 OS Card Reference: Castle of BG 1953 58-9 243-4 plan (S Toy).
- <6> SKE42332 OS Card Reference: F1 ASP 28-JAN-63.
- <7> SKE40418 OS Card Reference: DOE (HHR) Dist of Tonbridge UD Kent Jan 1972 1.
- <8> SKE50239 OS Card Reference: The Buildings of England West Kent and the Weald 1980 570-1 illus (J Newman).
- <9> SKE47674 OS Card Reference: Norman Castles in Britain 1973 324 fig 69 (D F Renn).
- <10> SKE36620 OS Card Reference: Arch J 36 1879 378-9.
- <11> SKE34435 OS Card Reference: Arch 6 1782 269-290 plan (E King).
- <12> SKE36668 OS Card Reference: Arch J 62 1905 188.
- <13> SKE38612 OS Card Reference: Castellarium Anglicanum I 1983 235 (D J Cathcart King).
- <14> SKE34748 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 16 1886 12-57 illus (J F Wadmore).
- <15> SKE43944 OS Card Reference: Hist of Kent 2 1778-99 322-32 (E Hasted).
- <16> SKE2714 Bibliographic reference: Field report for monument TQ 54 NE 2 - January, 1963.
- <17> SKE6488 Collection: W DOUGLAS-SIMPSON.
- <17> SKE7465 Unpublished document: Archaeology South-East. 2000. Report on an Archaeological Watching Brief Undertaken During Restoration Works Undertaken Between September 1999 and March 2000 at Tonbridge Castle Gatehouse, Tonbridge, Kent.
- <18>XY SKE41628 OS Card Reference: English Heritage SAMs 15-10-91. [Mapped feature: #491 Castle, ]
- <19> SKE6440 Miscellaneous Material: Not applicable. SMR Kent uncatalogued index entry. Tonbridge Castle Moat watching brief, CAT. 1995..
- <20> SKE7389 Unpublished document: Canterbury Archaeological Trust. 1999. Archaeological Watching Brief at Tonbridge Castle, Tonbridge, Kent.
- <21> SKE8015 Unpublished document: Canterbury Archaeological Trust. 2002. An Archaeological Watching Brief at Tonbridge Castle.
- <22> SKE6956 Unpublished document: Victor Smith and Andrew Saunders. 2001. Kent's Defence Heritage.
- <23> SKE25082 Unpublished document: Alan Ward. 2013. An archaeological watching brief at Tonbridge Castle, Tonbridge, Kent.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
Related Monuments/Buildings (1)
Related Events/Activities (9)
- Non-Intrusive Event: Desk based assessment at Tonbridge Castle (Ref: 2687) (EKE9708)
- Intrusive Event: Excavation associated with consolidation work at Tonbridge Castle (EKE20487)
- Intrusive Event: Excavation at Tonbridge Castle (EKE20482)
- Intrusive Event: Excavation within gatehouse at Tonbridge Castle (EKE20485)
- Intrusive Event: Three watching brief projects at Tonbridge Castle. (EKE5428)
- Intrusive Event: Watching Brief at Tonbridge Castle (Ref: CAT Site Number 1634) (EKE5875)
- Intrusive Event: Watching Brief at Tonbridge Castle (Ref: TC 05) (EKE8890)
- Intrusive Event: Watching Brief at Tonbridge Castle, Tonbridge (Ref: Site Code TCWB 99) (EKE5451)
- Intrusive Event: Watching brief during reconstruction works at Tonbridge Castle Gatehouse (EKE5512)
Related Thematic Articles (3)
Record last edited
Mar 8 2021 3:42PM