Monument record TQ 74 SE 105 - Two intersecting medieval ditches, medieval pottery and Roman amphora sherd, Little Wadd, Staplehurst


Two intersecting medieval ditches were found forming a T-junction. 552 sherds of medieval pottery came from surface fills and ditches. Most (462 sherds) dated from the mid C12th to C13th AD.with a single, residual, sherd of Roman amphora. The Early Medieval pottery was mainly of Limpsfield type or local ware. The sherds were mostly from jars with flat topped rims and bowls. Pieces of unglazed jugs revealed handles decorated with slashed lines or stabbed dots. Glazed, wheel thrown jugs still had remnants of copper staine green glaze.


Grid reference TQ 79749 41370 (point)
Map sheet TQ74SE
County KENT


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

Two intersecting medieval ditches forming a T-junction. 552 sherds of medieval pottery from surface fills and ditches. Most (462 sherds) dated from the mid C12th to C13th AD. Single, residual, sherd of Roman amphora. Early Medieval Local wares, Limpsfield type, or Medieval Local wares. Finds were mainly jars with flat topped rims and bowls. Jars and unglazed jugs. Handles decorated wwith slahsed lines or stabbed dots. Glazed wheel thrown jugs. Some retained their copper stained green glaze.(1)

<1> Network Archaeology Ltd, 2001, Hadlow to High Halden Natural Gas Pipeline. Archaeological watching brief. (Unpublished document). SKE13567.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Unpublished document: Network Archaeology Ltd. 2001. Hadlow to High Halden Natural Gas Pipeline. Archaeological watching brief..

Finds (4)

Protected Status/Designation

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (1)

  • Intrusive Event: Hadlow to High Halden Natural Gas Pipeline, watching brief. (EKE9843)

Record last edited

Jul 23 2024 11:31AM