Monument record TR 04 NE 269 - Medieval and post-Medieval features and associated finds, Taylor's Garage, Bridge Street, Wye
Grid reference | TR 05289 46670 (point) |
Map sheet | TR04NE |
County | KENT |
District | ASHFORD, KENT |
Type and Period (5)
Full Description
Three linear features probably represent boundary ditches. The earliest one is C13th.
Two features porbably represent rubbish pits, to the rear of the property, which were in use in the late C17th to C18th.
Several post-medieval post holes, most probably dating to C17/18th. Finds from this context are mixed - some date to this period, others earlier. The ealier finds are thought to be residual.
Brick and flint structure is likely to have functioned as a drain. The upper fill of the drain contained contained some possibly medieval tile in addition to post-medieval brick. Domestic items, dating to C17th/18th such as clay pipes stems, bronze pins and a bone handled iron object [sewing tool (?)] were also found in the drain. The lower of the two fills resembled a cess pit deposit which contained C17th & early C18th pottery.
Two gullies - '18' and '16' probably represent two phases of delineating a minor boundary. Single sherd of C14th pottery in gully 16 in addition to a quantity of late medieval/early post-medieval tile.
Two post-holes may be contemporary with the drain. One of the post-holes contained tile of C17th to C18th date as well as medieval tile and a bronze pin which were probably residual.
The bulk of the pottery found dated to C17th/C18th,although there were one or two examples of medieval sherds. Similarly, most of the tile was also post medieval, (mainly C17th/18th date).
Animal bones dated to C17th/C18th. Oyster shell found in relatively large quantities in two contexts and in smaller quantities throughout the rest of the site.
Several wine bottle bases, possibly part of an onion bottle and a clear, decorated, glass drinking vessel. All this material was made of glass and would fit a C17th-18th date.
Copper alloy pin fragments (C17/18th date) found primarily within the brick-lined drain, as well as in 3 other contexts across the site. (1)
Post excavation report. Features divided into five periods (by century).
C12-13th - one ditch (probable plot boundary) and 2 pits in the southern limit of the excavation area. Singel pottery sherd of this date was found within a feature towards the northern end of the site, but this is likely to have been residual.
C13th-14th - the southern end of the site contained four pits all containing pottery which dated to this period as well as an oval shaped post-hole. At the northern end there was another pit which contained 2 sherds of C14th pottery and an amorphous feature to the N.E of this also contained C14th pottery.
C14th-15th - five pits and the upper fill of another pit all contained pottery dating to this period.
C16th-17th - pit contained possible C15th-16th material inclusing a hallmarked silver spoon dating to 1591 from the surface of its upper fill. Pits and post-holes to the rear of site contained pottery dating to this period. Two deposits laid down within drain date to the C17th.
C18th-19th - three pits and four post-holes were located at the southern end of the site. Two more pits were located nearer to Bridge Street in addition to a number of structural remains which included a chimney base, possible brick base for a copper and a probanle garden wall. The brick base for the copper had been built over two C18th-19th pits which resulted in subsidence. The addition of a brick built buttress at the NE corner appears to have been an attempt to counteract this.
A number of undated features including 10 pits, a well, and 5 post-holes contained post-medieval roof tile.
Residual worked flint of hard hammer waste of probable Later Bronze Age type and an possible Mesolithic blade fragement.
Glass bottles from C17th to C91th, mostly green wine bottles from C18th/19th. Includes a C19th medicine bottle.
Some residual worked flint from the Mesolithic (?) and Later Bronze Age.
Pottery included cooking pots and jugs. Iron sewing tool (?) now appears to be several corroded nails. (2-3)
<1> Archaeology South-East, 2002, An Archaeological Evaluation at Taylor's Garage, Bridge Street, Wye, Kent (Unpublished document). SKE15632.
<2> Archaeology South-East, 2004, Post excavation assessment and project design, Taylor's Garage, Bridge Street, Wye. (Unpublished document). SKE15633.
<3> Swift, D., 2013, Archaeological excavation at the site of the former Taylor's Garage, Bridge Street, Wye (Article in serial). SKE24826.
Sources/Archives (3)
- <1> SKE15632 Unpublished document: Archaeology South-East. 2002. An Archaeological Evaluation at Taylor's Garage, Bridge Street, Wye, Kent.
- <2> SKE15633 Unpublished document: Archaeology South-East. 2004. Post excavation assessment and project design, Taylor's Garage, Bridge Street, Wye..
- <3> SKE24826 Article in serial: Swift, D.. 2013. Archaeological excavation at the site of the former Taylor's Garage, Bridge Street, Wye. Arch Cant CXXXIII 2013: 311-314.
Finds (16)
- TILE (Medieval to Post Medieval - 1100 AD to 1900 AD)
- BRICK (Medieval to Post Medieval - 1100 AD to 1900 AD)
- CLAY PIPE (SMOKING) (Post Medieval to Modern - 1600 AD to 1999 AD)
- ANIMAL REMAINS (Medieval to Post Medieval - 1100 AD to 1899 AD)
- POTTERY ASSEMBLAGE (Medieval to Post Medieval - 1100 AD to 1899 AD)
- POTTERY ASSEMBLAGE (Post Medieval - 1600 AD to 1799 AD)
- OYSTER SHELL (Post Medieval - 1540 AD to 1900 AD)
- DRINKING VESSEL (Post Medieval - 1600 AD to 1799 AD)
- WINE BOTTLE (Post Medieval - 1600 AD to 1899 AD)
- BOTTLE (Post Medieval - 1800 AD to 1899 AD)
- PIN (Medieval - 1066 AD to 1539 AD)
- NAIL (Post Medieval - 1800 AD to 1899 AD)
- SPOON (Post Medieval - 1591 AD to 1591 AD)
- LITHIC IMPLEMENT (Early Mesolithic to Late Bronze Age - 10000 BC? to 701 BC)
- JUG (Medieval to Post Medieval - 1100 AD to 1899 AD)
- POT (Medieval to Post Medieval - 1100 AD to 1899 AD)
Protected Status/Designation
- None recorded
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (2)
- Intrusive Event: Evaluation at Taylor's Garage, Bridge Street, Wye (Ref: 1570) (EKE10002)
- Intrusive Event: Excavation of the former Taylor's Garage, Bridge Street, Wye (Ref: 1646) (EKE13042)
Record last edited
Jul 23 2013 4:01PM