Monument record TQ 94 SE 160 - Medieval deposits at Excavation Area 2, Friars School, Great Chart, Ashford, Kent, 2009


Excavation of area two of Friars School excavation, Great Chart, Ashford, 2009 provided evidence of pottery, dated to the early/mid medieval period (AD 1175 to 1300) and some post medieval (AD 1550+). Also, evidence of medieval industrial waste, consisting of charcoal flecks and smithing slag, two smithing hearth bottoms, undiagnostic slag, vitrified. Features consisted of both pits and tree throw hollows, filled with colluvium. Unlike area one however, a larger amount of medieval fabric was found.


Grid reference TQ 97618 41763 (point)
Map sheet TQ94SE
County KENT


Type and Period (2)

Full Description

Area Two of Friars School excavation, Great Chart, Ashford, 2008.
The area occupied part of the former cricket pitch toward the south of the school, measuring approximately 40m by 25m. Features within the excavation were similar to area one, comprising shallow, irregular features such as pits, post holes and tree throw hollows filled with colluvium. Unlike area one, however, dating of pottery suggests a higher presence of medieval fabrics, dated to the early/mid medieval period (AD 1175 to 1300) and some post medieval (dated to after AD 1550), including several tiles. Also, evidence of industrial waste found believed to be medieval in date, dated from association with dated pottery in the same fill. This comprised charcoal flecks and smithing slag (two smithing hearth bottoms, undiagnostic slag, vitrified hearth lining and cinder), indicating medieval iron working at or near the site. (1-2)

<1> Pre-Construct Archaeology, 2010, Land at Friars School, Great Chart, Ashford, Kent, Assessment of an Archaeological Excavation (Unpublished document). SKE15970.

<2> Pre-Construct Archaeology, 2012, Archaeological Investigations on Land at Friars School, Great Chart, Ashford, Kent (Unpublished document). SKE17607.

Sources/Archives (2)

  • <1> Unpublished document: Pre-Construct Archaeology. 2010. Land at Friars School, Great Chart, Ashford, Kent, Assessment of an Archaeological Excavation.
  • <2> Unpublished document: Pre-Construct Archaeology. 2012. Archaeological Investigations on Land at Friars School, Great Chart, Ashford, Kent.

Finds (4)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (1)

  • Intrusive Event: Excavation on land at Friars School, Great Chart, Ashford (Ref: KFRI 08) (EKE10307)

Record last edited

Jul 18 2012 4:41PM