Monument record TR 35 SE 11 - Late Bronze Age Settlement on Mill Hill


A Late Bronze Age site on Mill Hill was excavated by W.P.D Stebbing during 1928 & 34. The site, which was situated on the seaward slope between the Waterworks and Cowdray Square, comprised a nearly circular V-sectioned ditch, about 6 feet deep, 10 feet wide at the top and 170 feet in overall diameter. In the SE side was a 15 feet wide causewayed entrance with three post holes on each side. In the trench filling and at different levels were hearths with fragments of pots of Late Bronze Age type, pot boilers, animal bones, fragments of querns and evidence of huts in the form of fragments of daub. The bulk of the finds made by Stebbing was presented to the BM in 1939 (Accession nos 1939, 10-3). The pottery is of four main classes: jars of coarse dark ware, and plain open bowls, plain globular handled vessels and small shouldered bowls with everted rims of good dark ware. Notes and drawings of the excavation were sent by Stebbing to Hawkes in 1939. The site was at that time described as an early Iron Agefortified enclosure but Hawkes in a letter to Stebbing wrote, "the whole character of the material is really unmistakably Late Bronze Age". The site is now occupied by a council estate. A quern stone from the site was built into the front elevation of 1 Quern Road in the mid 1930's. It is believed to be still insitu (TR 35 SE 104).


Grid reference TR 3648 5099 (point) FCE
Map sheet TR35SE
Civil Parish DEAL, DOVER, KENT
County KENT
District DOVER, KENT


Type and Period (3)

Full Description

<1> OS 1:1250 1957 (OS Card Reference). SKE48175.

<2> F1 ASP 21-JUL-1964 (OS Card Reference). SKE42221.

<3> BRAILSFORD, J. W., 1953, Later Prehistoric Antiquities of the British Isles, Later Prehistoric Antiquities of the British Isles British Museum 1953 40 (JW Brailsford) (Monograph). SKE8289.

<4> Stebbing, W. P. D., 1937, The Invader's Shore, The Invaders Shore 1937 14-15 (WPD Stebbing) (Monograph). SKE8285.

<5> Stebbing W. P. D., Stebbing Collection MS Notes (Deal Public Library), Stebbing MS Notes (Deal Public Library) (Collection). SKE8287.

<6> Hawkes, C., 1939, Letter C Hawkes to WPD Stebbing 20.07.39 Stebbing Collection (Deal Public Library), Letter C Hawkes to WPD Stebbing 20.07.39 Stebbing Collection (Deal Public Library) (Unpublished document). SKE8288.

<7> F2 CFW 24-APR-65 (OS Card Reference). SKE43276.

<8> 1965, Field report for monument TR 35 SE 11 - April, 1965 (Unpublished document). SKE6079.

<9> Tomaszewski, N. E., 1980, Investigations & Excavations During the Year: Deal, XCV 305 - 307 (Article in serial). SKE8286.

<10> Druce, G. C., 1929, Reports of the Year Ending 31st Dec. 1928, Arch Cant XLI (Article in serial). SKE8290.

<11> Stebbing, W. P. D. S., 1934, Miscellaneous Notes:An Early Iron Age Site At Deal, Archaeologia Cantiana 1934 XLVI: 207 - 209 (Article in serial). SKE8291.

Sources/Archives (11)

  • <1> OS Card Reference: OS 1:1250 1957.
  • <2> OS Card Reference: F1 ASP 21-JUL-1964.
  • <3> Monograph: BRAILSFORD, J. W.. 1953. Later Prehistoric Antiquities of the British Isles. Later Prehistoric Antiquities of the British Isles British Museum 1953 40 (JW Brailsford).
  • <4> Monograph: Stebbing, W. P. D.. 1937. The Invader's Shore. The Invaders Shore 1937 14-15 (WPD Stebbing).
  • <5> Collection: Stebbing W. P. D.. Stebbing Collection MS Notes (Deal Public Library). Stebbing MS Notes (Deal Public Library).
  • <6> Unpublished document: Hawkes, C.. 1939. Letter C Hawkes to WPD Stebbing 20.07.39 Stebbing Collection (Deal Public Library). Letter C Hawkes to WPD Stebbing 20.07.39 Stebbing Collection (Deal Public Library).
  • <7> OS Card Reference: F2 CFW 24-APR-65.
  • <8> Unpublished document: 1965. Field report for monument TR 35 SE 11 - April, 1965.
  • <9>XY Article in serial: Tomaszewski, N. E.. 1980. Investigations & Excavations During the Year: Deal. XCV 305 - 307. XCV 305 - 307. [Mapped feature: #58311 settlement?, ]
  • <10> Article in serial: Druce, G. C.. 1929. Reports of the Year Ending 31st Dec. 1928. XLI pages xIii. Arch Cant XLI.
  • <11> Article in serial: Stebbing, W. P. D. S.. 1934. Miscellaneous Notes:An Early Iron Age Site At Deal. Arch Cant XLVI: 207 - 209. Archaeologia Cantiana 1934 XLVI: 207 - 209.

Finds (4)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Related Events/Activities (2)

  • Intrusive Event: 1934 Excavation, Mill Hill, Deal (EKE6019)
  • Intrusive Event: ST RICHARD'S ROAD, MILL HILL (Ref: EI 15299) (EKE4198)

Record last edited

May 2 2023 12:44PM