Monument record TQ 76 SW 473 - Neolithic pits, Margetts Pit, Burham


Two Neolithic pits were found during an excavation at Margetts Pit.


Grid reference TQ 7197 6219 (point)
Map sheet TQ76SW
County KENT


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

In 2009 an excavation was carried out at Margetts Pit by Wessex Archaeology. Two Neolithic pits were found. One contained a sherd of Late Neolithic Woodlands-type Grooved ware pottery and the other had a similar sherd. The second pit also contained two joining fragments of a Neolithic Cornish stone axe. Both had struck flint, animal bone and burnt flint and charred hazelnut shells were found in a dumped burnt deposit in the upper fill of the second pit.

Evidence of flint working was found as residual material in a number of later features. The quality and type suggest a Late Neolithic or Early Bronze Age date for this activity. (1)

Worked flint was also found during the test-pitting phase prior to excavation: "Worked flint was recovered from 86 of the test pits, ranging from one piece to a maximum of 16 pieces (Figure 4). Two cores and a single recognisable retouched tool, an end scraper, probably of Early Neolithic date, made on a long flake (TP 92, towards the centre), were identified in the assemblage. Other than these exceptions the material survives primarily as robust flakes however, small, more fragile flakes were present from TP58, to the south." (2)

<1> Wessex Archaeology, 2010, Margetts Pit, Margetts Lane, Burham, Kent: Post-excavation Assessment Report (Unpublished document). SKE17384.

<2> Wessex Archaeology, 2009, Margetts Pit, Margetts Lane, Burham, Kent, Topsoil test pitting evaluation interim statement (Unpublished document). SKE32034.

Sources/Archives (2)

  • <1> Unpublished document: Wessex Archaeology. 2010. Margetts Pit, Margetts Lane, Burham, Kent: Post-excavation Assessment Report.
  • <2> Unpublished document: Wessex Archaeology. 2009. Margetts Pit, Margetts Lane, Burham, Kent, Topsoil test pitting evaluation interim statement.

Finds (8)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (2)

  • Intrusive Event: Excavation at Margetts Pit, Burham (Ref: 70760) (EKE11662)
  • Intrusive Event: Margetts Pit, Margetts Lane, Burham, Kent, Topsoil test pitting evaluation interim statement (Ref: 70760.02) (EKE15814)

Record last edited

Mar 9 2017 1:37PM