Monument record TQ 87 NW 1076 - The cropmark traces of a possible Iron Age or Roman settlement with associated trackways, sub-divisions and possible hut circles


The cropmark traces of a possible Iron Age or Roman settlement with associated trackways, sub-divisions and possible hut circles seen within a single large field to the north of the village of Allhallows. Only part of the site is visible as cropmarks. The site appears to comprise ditch-defined recitlinear enclosures, the largest of which measures 105m x 70m. The SW corner of this is sub-divided off to form an enclosure of 36m x 40m. Hints of further fragmentary enclosures can be seen to the north and east along with two possible curvilinear enclosures wich may be hut circles within the settlement. one measures c.16m in diamterter and the smaller c.4m across with a possible outer circuit 8-9m in diamter. A length of E-W aligned trackway marks the southern edge of the main enclosure. A hint of a single ditch extends west from the trackway, curving gently down to the SW which may be a continuation of the track. This linear appears to be on the same alignment and may be associated with parts of a fragmented embanked field system seen to extend across the ridge south-west from Allhallows- on-Sea (NMR Monument Number: 1536946). Extending northwards from the main settlement site is a second possible assocated double-ditched trackway (NMR Monument Number: 1537530).These and surrounding features were mapped from aerial photographs taken in 2011 as part of the English Heritage: Hoo Peninsula Landscape Project.


Grid reference Centred TQ 8337 7786 (310m by 346m)
Map sheet TQ87NW
County KENT
Unitary Authority MEDWAY


Type and Period (2)

Full Description

The cropmark traces of a possible Iron Age or Roman settlement with associated trackways, sub-divisions and possible hut circles seen centred at TQ 8345 7789 within a single large field to the north of the village of Allhallows. Only part of the site is visible as cropmarks. The site appears to comprise ditch-defined recitlinear enclosures, the largest of which measures 105m x 70m. The SW corner of this is sub-divided off to form an enclosure of 36m x 40m. Hints of further fragmentary enclosures can be seen to the north and east along with two possible curvilinear enclosures wich may be hut circles within the settlement. one measures c.16m in diamterter and the smaller c.4m across with a possible outer circuit 8-9m in diamter. Between TQ 8336 7785 and TQ 8352 7784 a 156m length of E-W aligned trackway marks the southern edge of the main enclosure. A hint of a single ditch extends west from the trackway to TQ 8323 7783, curving gently down to the SW which may be a continuation of the track. This linear appears to be on the same alignment and may be associated with parts of a fragmented embanked field system seen to extend across the ridge south-west from Allhallows- on-Sea (NMR Monument Number: 1536946). Extending northwards from the main settlement site is a second possible assocated double-ditched trackway (NMR Monument Number:1537530).
These and surrounding features were mapped from aerial photographs taken in 2011 as part of the English Heritage: Hoo Peninsula Landscape Project. (1-2)

<1> National Monuments Record, 2011, NMR 26700/009 08-MAR-2011 (Photograph). SKE55875.

<2> National Monuments Record, 1966, NMR OS/66132 034 04-JUN-1966 (Photograph). SKE57279.

<3> Historic England, Archive material (Archive). SKE57278.

Sources/Archives (3)

  • <1> Photograph: National Monuments Record. 2011. NMR 26700/009 08-MAR-2011. NMR 26700/009 08-MAR-2011.
  • <2> Photograph: National Monuments Record. 1966. NMR OS/66132 034 04-JUN-1966. NMR OS/66132 034 04-JUN-1966.
  • <3> Archive: Historic England. Archive material.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (0)

Record last edited

Nov 14 2024 3:38PM