Monument record TQ 54 NE 350 - Banking deposits (probably medieval, possibly 12th,13th,14th centuries) at land at the rear of 182 High Street, Tonbridge, Kent


Wessex Archaeology undertook an archaeological excavation of six trial trenches to land to the rear of 182 High Street, Tonbridge in advance of possible development. Part of the site is within the the Scheduled Ancient Monument (SAM 136) related to the medieval town defences known as The Fosse. The evaluation revealed, within three of the six trial trenches, deposits associated with the construction of a bank, its later erosion/collapse and more recent deposition as a result of modern development. Two sherds of pottery dated to the late 12th to 13th century and 13th to 14th century were recovered from the bank material, but this could be residual. The bank deposits were underlain by a layer containing charcoal and slag fragments. This layer also contained 12th to 13th century pottery sherds. There were no cut features of archaeological significance. A shallow linear feature, a small pit and walls of modern date were identified along with modern service trenches. Made ground was revealed in one trench to a depth of 1.7m plus below ground level and a pond, recorded on the 1838 Tonbridge Tithe Map was confirmed. The archaeological evaluation concluded that a number of layers could be associated with the construction of The Fosse medieval defence.


Grid reference Centred TQ 5900 4682 (42m by 46m) (5 map features)
Map sheet TQ54NE
County KENT


Type and Period (5)

Full Description

<1> Wessex Archaeology, 2010, Land to the Rear of 182 High Street, Tonbridge, Kent (Unpublished document). SKE31439.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Unpublished document: Wessex Archaeology. 2010. Land to the Rear of 182 High Street, Tonbridge, Kent.

Finds (9)

Protected Status/Designation

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (1)

  • Intrusive Event: Land to rear of 182 High Street, Tonbridge, Kent (Ref: Report Ref: 70370.01) (EKE15024)

Record last edited

Jun 16 2016 1:35PM