Monument record TQ 76 SW 389 - Neolithic causewayed enclosure at Burham


A causewayed enclosure has been identified by the National Monument Record from an aerial photograph. In 1997 the NMR identified a series of interrupted cropmarks in Burham as a possible Neolithic causewayed enclosure. The features appear to comprise two parallel, curved lines of ditches which are between 12m-15m apart and approximately 140m long. They run in a N-W direction for 50m before changing direction in a smooth curve towards the N-E. The ditches range in size from 7m to 28m and are separated by narrow causeways 2m-6m across. Two parallel lines of interrupted ditches, 15 metres apart, can be seen on 1990 and 1999 aerial photographs. The cropmarks start at 571946 162482 and are visible for a length of 90 metres, angled North-North-East to South-South-East, to 572007 162380.This may form the other side of the enclosure. It is unknown if the large feature centred at 57189 16238 is natural, connected with the enclosure or an archaeological feature connected with another archaeological site (TQ 76 SW 53). Summary from record TQ 76 SW 440: A Neolithic causewayed enclosure east of Margetts Lane, Burham.


Grid reference Centred TQ 7182 6238 (340m by 258m)
Map sheet TQ76SW
County KENT


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

Birmingham Archaeology, 2009, Burham causewayed enclosure, Burham, Kent: Geophysical Survey, 2009 (Unpublished document). SKE29269.

<1> AP (NMR APU TQ 7161/5; 17 7 78) (OS Card Reference). SKE33522.

<1> National Monuments Record, 1997, Industry and Enclosure in the Neolithic: Possible Neolithic Causewayed Enclosures (Unpublished document). SKE6569.

<2> Infoterra Ltd, 1990, 2590 Run 13 Photo 917, Run 13 Photo 917 (Photograph (Print)). SKE8354.

<3> Aerofilms Ltd, 1999, UKP 005 Block3 Run 11 6319 (Photograph (Print)). SKE8355.

<4> Archaeological Services & Consultancy Limited, 2007, Fieldwalking and Geophysical Surveys: Land near Margetts Pit, Burham, Kent (Unpublished document). SKE15661.

<5> Birmingham Archaeology, 2009, Burham causewayed enclosure, Burham, Kent: Geophysical Survey, 2009 (Unpublished document). SKE29269.

Sources/Archives (7)

  • --- Unpublished document: Birmingham Archaeology. 2009. Burham causewayed enclosure, Burham, Kent: Geophysical Survey, 2009.
  • <1> OS Card Reference: AP (NMR APU TQ 7161/5; 17 7 78).
  • <1> Unpublished document: National Monuments Record. 1997. Industry and Enclosure in the Neolithic: Possible Neolithic Causewayed Enclosures.
  • <2> Photograph (Print): Infoterra Ltd. 1990. 2590 Run 13 Photo 917. Run 13/917. Colour. Run 13 Photo 917.
  • <3> Photograph (Print): Aerofilms Ltd. 1999. UKP 005 Block3 Run 11 6319. 6319. Colour.
  • <4> Unpublished document: Archaeological Services & Consultancy Limited. 2007. Fieldwalking and Geophysical Surveys: Land near Margetts Pit, Burham, Kent.
  • <5> Unpublished document: Birmingham Archaeology. 2009. Burham causewayed enclosure, Burham, Kent: Geophysical Survey, 2009.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (5)

  • Non-Intrusive Event: Aerial Photography, Burham (EKE6071)
  • Non-Intrusive Event: Aerial survey of Kent (EKE6070)
  • Non-Intrusive Event: Geophysical survey at Burham Causewayed Enclosure, Burham, Kent (EKE13342)
  • Non-Intrusive Event: Geophysical survey at Margetts Pit, Burham (Ref: 1005/BMP/02) (EKE11667)
  • Non-Intrusive Event: NMR Interpretation of Aerial Photographic Data (EKE4839)

Related Thematic Articles (1)

Record last edited

Mar 20 2018 4:41PM